At the time of manufacturing, every item has to go through various stages to become a complete product. Each stage involved in the manufacturing of an item is termed a Process in Ginesys. For example, manufacturing a shirt involves Cutting, Stitching, Ironing, Packing, etc. In other words, these are the Processes of production.
This article describes how to manage the Process Master in Ginesys HO.
Add a Process
- The users' role must have access to the Process feature by enabling the Add app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through Production - Setup - Manage.
Step-by-step guide
The process is divided in the following steps:
- Go to Production > Setup > Manage > Process.
Process window opens.
- Click on Add button.
- Add Process window opens.

- You will get three sections - General & Rate Information.
- General:

Put in the Process (mandatory field)as process name , Process Group, and Alias.
You can select Invoice Applicable to apply invoice to the Process Master.
- Rate Information:

- Now you need to fill up the Rate Information.
- Select Jobber from the drop down list.
According to the selected Jobber, Alias and Class (Supplier/Jobber etc.) will be populated automatically from the Jobber master.
Put in the
Order Limit
and select the
Limit Basis
from the drop down.
Now click on the Save button to save the process. You will get a message “Record Saved Successfully”.
Edit a Process
- The users' role must have access to the Process feature by enabling Modify app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through Production - Setup - Manage.
- Process Master must be created.
Step-by-step guide
The process is divided in the following steps:
- Go to Production > Setup > Manage > Process.
Process window opens.
- Select the Process which you want to edit.
- Click on Action > Edit.
- Edit Process window opens.

- Change the required field which you want to edit.
- Click on the Save button to save the changes. You will get a message “Record Saved Successfully”.
Delete Process
- The users' role must have access to the Process feature by enabling Delete app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through Production - Setup - Manage.
- Process Master must be created.
Step-by-step guide
The process is divided in the following steps:
- Go to Production > Setup > Manage > Process.
- Process module will open.
- Previously created Processes will be listed.
- Select the Process you want to edit.
- You can use Filter to search particular Process(s).
- Go to Acton > Delete.

- You will get a message - "Are you sure you want to delete current Record?"
- If you click on Yes, you will get a confirmation message "Record deleted successfully".
Export to Excel
- Click on Action > Export to excel.

- An excel file, containing the details of the Processes, will be download and you will get a message “Excel Exported Successfully”.