Adding, Editing & Deleting the Route Master

Adding, Editing & Deleting the Route Master

Route is a sequence of processes which are employed to create a finished item from raw materials. For example, suppose Cutting, Sewing, Washing and Ironing are required to create an item - a shirt.

Then the above mentioned processes may be combined in a definite sequence to create a Route. This article describes how to manage the Route master in Ginesys HO.   

  Add or Create Route


  1. The users' role must have access to the Route feature by enabling Add app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through Production - Setup - Manage.

  2. Processes must be created.

Step-by-step guide

The steps for managing the various app operations of the Route master:

  1. Go to Production > Setup > Manage > Route.
  2. Route window opens.
  3. Click on Add button.
  4. Add Route window opens.
  5. You will get three sections - Information, Operation Details and Others.
  6. Information:
    1. Put in the Route Id (Mandatory field) in the Information area.
  7. Operation Details:

    1. Now fill the Operation Details. You can either copy an existing route by clicking on Copy Route button or add a new route by clicking on Add Row icon.
      1. Copy Route:
        1. Click on Copy Route button.
        2. Copy Route look up window opens.
        3. Select one Route from the list and click on OK.
        4. Seq.(Sequence no), Process Name, Lead Time and Process Rate related to the selected route will be populated.

      2. Add Row:
        1. Click on Add Row icon. A new row will be added with the sequence no.
        2. Select the Process Name from drop down list.
        3. Put in the Lead Time and Process Rate.
        4. Repeat the above steps to include another Processes in the Route.

          • Lead Time: The time require to complete the Process.
          • Process Rate: Rate charged by the Jobber for that particular Process.
  8. Others:

    1. Put in the Remarks.
  9. Click on Save to save the Route.
  10. You will get a message “Generated Successfully”.

  Edit or Modify Route


  1. The users' role must have access to the Route feature by enabling Modify app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through Production - Setup - Manage.

  2. Route Master must be created.

Step-by-step guide

The steps for managing the various app operations of the Route master:

  1. Go to Production > Setup > Manage > Route.
  2. Route window opens.
  3. Select the Route which you want to Edit.
  4. Click on Action > Edit.

  5. Edit Route window opens.
  6. Change the required field which you want to edit.
  7. Click on the Save button to save the changes.
  8. You will get a message “Record Modified Successfully”.
  Delete Route


  1. The users' role must have access to the Route feature by enabling Delete app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through Production - Setup - Manage.

  2. Processes must be created.

Step-by-step guide

The steps for managing the various app operations of the Route master:

  1. Go to Production > Setup > Manage > Route.
  2. Route window opens
  3. Select the Route which you want to Delete.
  4. Click on Action > Delete.

  5. You will get a confirmatory message “Are you sure you want to delete current Record?”. If you click on Yes then the record will be deleted and you will get a message “Record Deleted Successfully”.
  Export to Excel
  1. Click on Action > Export to Excel.

  2. An excel file, containing the details of the Route, will be downloaded and you will get a message “Excel Exported Successfully”. 

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