Route is a sequence of processes which are employed to create a finished item from raw materials. For example, suppose Cutting, Sewing, Washing and Ironing are required to create an item - a shirt.
Then the above mentioned processes may be combined in a definite sequence to create a Route. This article describes how to manage the Route master in Ginesys HO.
Add or Create Route
- The users' role must have access to the Route feature by enabling Add app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through Production - Setup - Manage.
- Processes must be created.
Step-by-step guide
The steps for managing the various app operations of the Route master:
- Go to Production > Setup > Manage > Route.
- Route window opens.
- Click on Add button.
- Add Route window opens.

- You will get three sections - Information, Operation Details and Others.
- Information:

- Put in the Route Id (Mandatory field) in the Information area.
- Operation Details:

- Now fill the Operation Details. You can either copy an existing route by clicking on Copy Route button or add a new route by clicking on Add Row icon.
- Copy Route:
- Click on Copy Route button.
- Copy Route look up window opens.
- Select one Route from the list and click on OK.
- Seq.(Sequence no), Process Name, Lead Time and Process Rate related to the selected route will be populated.
- Add Row:
- Click on Add Row icon. A new row will be added with the sequence no.
- Select the Process Name from drop down list.
- Put in the Lead Time and Process Rate.
Repeat the above steps to include another Processes in the Route.
- Others:

- Put in the Remarks.
- Click on Save to save the Route.
You will get a message “Generated Successfully”.
Edit or Modify Route
- The users' role must have access to the Route feature by enabling Modify app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through Production - Setup - Manage.
- Route Master must be created.
Step-by-step guide
The steps for managing the various app operations of the Route master:
- Go to Production > Setup > Manage > Route.
- Route window opens.
- Select the Route which you want to Edit.
- Click on Action > Edit.

- Edit Route window opens.
- Change the required field which you want to edit.
- Click on the Save button to save the changes.
- You will get a message “Record Modified Successfully”.
Delete Route
- The users' role must have access to the Route feature by enabling Delete app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through Production - Setup - Manage.
- Processes must be created.
Step-by-step guide
The steps for managing the various app operations of the Route master:
- Go to Production > Setup > Manage > Route.
- Route window opens
- Select the Route which you want to Delete.
- Click on Action > Delete.
- You will get a confirmatory message “Are you sure you want to delete current Record?”. If you click on Yes then the record will be deleted and you will get a message “Record Deleted Successfully”.
Export to Excel
- Click on Action > Export to Excel.

- An excel file, containing the details of the Route, will be downloaded and you will get a message “Excel Exported Successfully”.