Adding, Editing & Deleting the WIP Clearance

Adding, Editing & Deleting the WIP Clearance

Work-in-progress (WIP) is a production and supply-chain management term describing partially finished goods awaiting completion. Sometimes we need to clear the WIP Material for some emergency purpose. This article describes how to Manage WIP Clearance in Ginesys HO.

 Add WIP Clearance


  1. The users' role must have access to the WIP Clearance feature in Production module by providing the level 4 Role Privilege (Save, Edit and Delete) to it in Admin – Security Settings – Role Privileges.
  2. WIP Transaction must be exist. 

Step-by-step guide

The process is divided in the following steps:

  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Production > Operations > Process > WIP Clearance.
  2. WIP Clearance window will be opened.

  3. You will get three sections - General Information, WIP Information & Others.
  4. General Information:

    1. Select the Owner Site (Mandatory Field) for which you want to create the WIP Clearance.
    2.  Select Clearance No. (Mandatory Field) from drop down list.
    3. System Date will be automatically populated in the Date (Mandatory Field) field.
    4. Select the Stock Point (Mandatory Field) from the look up window.
    5. You can also put in Reference no.
  5. WIP Information:
    1. You need to add items in the WIP Information by using Select Items.
    2. After selection of items, click on Populate button.
    3. Selected item(s) will be populated with details and the details of the item(s) will be populated in the WIP Information section. You need to provide Received Item for that particular quantity.
  6. Others:

    1. Put in the Remarks field.
  7. Once done, click on the Save button to save the record.
  8. You will get a message - "WIP Clearance No.: <WIP Clearance No.> generated successfully.".
  • Changes Done

    • New column has been added in Item detail grid to include ' Inventory Management', ‘Batch/Serial No.’, ‘Mfg. Date’ and 'Valid upto'.

    • Position: Column has been added after received item.

    • Behaviour:

      • Column will remain hidden by default,

      • All columns will remain Display only i.e. disabled.

      • Inventory Management column

        • Default display N/A

        • On selecting receive item from LOV, display as ‘Item wise'/ ‘Batch wise’/ 'Serial wise’ respectively for item to be received.


Received Item selection lookup

  • If the selected Receive item is Item wise managed then, existing flow.

  • If the selected Receive item is Batch/Serial wise managed then,

    • Open a window - (Batch & Serial Details) will open for creation/selection of batch/serial with items

    • For behaviour follow: https://ginesys.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DEV/pages/3735846965 with few exceptions as below:

    • Under batch detail tab,

      • Delete row option not to be provided.

      • New column has been included Plan No., Plan Date, Operation Seq., Receive Item, and Inventory Management (with Plan No., Receive Item and Operation Seq. column non-hideable )

  • Batch/Serial number already selected for the Received item should not be displayed again. (Same batch/Serial number for a given item cannot be selected in multiple rows, concept of append)

Grouping Logic:

  • Plan No. wise- Operation Seq. wise - Process wise - Processed Item wise - Receive Item Barcodewise - Batch/Serial No. wise unique records to be populated.

On Save Validation:

  • If the selected Receive item is Batch/Serial wise managed and Batch/Serial information is not found, then

    • Restrict save

    • Display message, “Batch/Serial information is found missing for some receive items. Please provide.”

 Edit WIP Clearance


  1. The users' role must have access to the WIP Clearance feature in Production module by providing the level 4 Role Privilege (Save, Edit and Delete) to it in Admin – Security Settings – Role Privileges.
  2. WIP Clearance must be exist. 

Step-by-step guide

The process is divided in the following steps:

  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Production > Operations > Process > WIP Clearance.
  2. WIP Clearance window will be opened.
  3. Select the WIP Clearance No. you want to edit. 
  4. Go to Action > Edit or you can double click on it to open the document.
  5. Modify the required fields. You cannot modify Owner Site and Clearance No.

  6. Click on Save Button to save the modified records.
  7. You will get a message - "WIP Clearance No.: <WIP Clearance No.> generated successfully.".
 Delete WIP Clearance


  1. The users' role must have access to the WIP Clearance feature in Production module by providing the level 4 Role Privilege (Save, Edit and Delete) to it in Admin – Security Settings – Role Privileges.
  2. WIP Clearance must be exist. 

Step-by-step guide

The process is divided in the following steps:

  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Production > Operations > Process > WIP Clearance.
  2. WIP Clearance window will be opened.
  3. Select the WIP Clearance No. you want to delete. 
  4. Go to Action > Delete.

  5. You will get a message - "Record(s) once deleted cannot be retrieved. Are you sure you want to delete this transaction?"
  6. If you click on Yes, you will get a confirmation message - "WIP Clearance: <WIP Clearance No.> Document deleted successfully".

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