How To: Create Gift Vouchers
A Gift Voucher is a promissory note from the retailer that the customer can buy at a shop and gift to someone else. The person holding the gift voucher is then eligible to exchange the token for goods or services worth the amount specified on the voucher.
This article is about the creation and management of these Gift Vouchers through GINESYS. Gift Voucher Management is a part of the Retail Management module and POS.
To know how to issue Gift Vouchers from the store, follow the link: /wiki/spaces/~5570584eb70e2b10514081a4b0925399f77519/pages/29599976
- Document Numbering Scheme for GV must be present.
- The proper application operation rights must be available to the user.
Step-by-step guide
The steps are as follows:
- Go to GINESYS Web > Retail Management > Gift Vouchers > Voucher Management. The Gift Voucher module opens
- Click on Add button.
Go to Gift Voucher Category tab. Enter details like Name (i.e. GV name), Description (i.e. when and why the GVs are to be issued - Festival period, Customers Special Day - any other detail), Prefix, Suffix, etc.
Note: In case of prefix and suffix, the available literals from the list may be used to make the GVs more meaningful.
The total number of GVs that would be generated for a particular GV category, depends on the number set in the Auto Number Segment Length. The system will allow you to generate GVs till the highest number within that number range.
For Example: If the Prefix is [DD]/ , Suffix is /[YYYY] and Auto Number Segment Length is set to 3, the total number of GVs that would be produced would be 999 as that is the highest number in the number range 3.
That is, the last document would have a GV ID, 12/999/2017.
Now if you decide to make booklets of 100 leaflets each, then you can make only 10 booklets only. (9 booklets of 100 leaflets each and 1 booklet of 99 leaflets).
So if you want more booklets or GVs, then you have to increase the number in the Auto Number Segment Length field.
- Next go to the Booklets tab.
- Click on the Add New Booklet button.
- The Booklet window appears. Enter booklet no. and denomination beside the Booklet No. field and the Denomination field respectively.
- Click on Save.
- If you wish to create more booklets, repeat the above process.
- Once done, click on Save & Close button.
To go back to the main page click on the link: Managing GV (Gift Vouchers) through Ginesys POS Management