Gift Voucher Sale in WebPOS

Gift Voucher Sale in WebPOS

Gift vouchers are a fantastic way to boost sales and offer flexible gifting options to your customers. This guide will walk you through the steps to create and process a gift voucher sale in Zwing WebPOS, enabling your customers to purchase vouchers effortlessly.

Before you can sell gift vouchers, you need to create Gift Voucher Groups, set their pricing with redemption rules, and generate vouchers in Ginesys One Customer Service.

Learn how to create and manage gift vouchers here.

Add Gift Vouchers to Cart

To complete the gift voucher sale, follow the steps outlined below.

  1. From the sidebar menu, tap on "GV Sale" under Gift Vouchers.

  1. You will be redirected to the billing panel, where you can view the gift vouchers allocated to the store and available for sale.

  2. You can search for the gift voucher groups and proceed by adding the vouchers from the selected group to the cart.

  3. Click on the "Switch to Scan" button to scan the voucher codes directly and add them to the cart.

  1. You can filter the voucher groups by selecting the "Physical" or "E-Vouchers" button.

  2. Clicking the "Add" button will open a side panel displaying the details of the gift voucher group.

  1. The gift value and sale value depend on the denominations selected.

    1. If you have selected a fixed denomination for the voucher, the gift value and sale value will remain uneditable and will be auto-populated once the denomination is selected.

    2. If you select a dynamic denomination for the voucher, the gift value becomes editable, allowing you to assign a gift value within the range configured when creating the gift voucher group.

    3. The sale value will be automatically populated after entering the gift value, based on the sale percentage criteria configured in the denomination when the gift voucher group was created.

    4. If you enter a gift value that is outside the range configured in the gift voucher group during the creation of denominations, the system will display an error message: "Gift Value must be within the allowed range of x-y."

    5. If you enter a quantity to add that exceeds the available quantity for that voucher, the system will display an error message: "Quantity cannot exceed the available voucher count of 'n'."

    6. Once you have entered valid values, the "Add to Cart" button will be enabled.

    7. Click the "Add to Cart" button to add the vouchers to the cart.

    8. You can also manually select the vouchers and add them to the cart.

    9. Click the "Select Vouchers Manually" button on the gift voucher group details side panel to view the list of available vouchers.

    10. Select the vouchers and click the "Add to Cart" button to add the selected vouchers to the cart.


For E-Voucher groups, if the store has a limit of 10 vouchers per group within a 1-day reset duration, the system will display an error as soon as you attempt to sell the 11th voucher: "No vouchers available, will regenerate after reset period."


If there are 100 vouchers available to be sold, but no more sequences are left to generate voucher codes, the system will display an error: "Voucher Quantity Exceeded Available Sequence."


The "Select Vouchers Manually" option is not available for E-Vouchers, as they are not pre-generated and are created at the time of sale.

Assign Recipient Phone Number to Gift Vouchers

  1. Assigning the recipient's phone number is mandatory for E-Vouchers and optional for Physical Vouchers.

  2. Click the "Assign Phone" button to assign the recipient's phone number to the voucher.

  1. Clicking the "Assign Phone" button will open the "Assign Phone" side panel.

  2. You can enter the phone number manually in the "Phone Number" field.

  1. If you have tagged a customer to the bill, the "Use Customer’s Phone Number" button will be enabled. Clicking this button will assign the phone number associated with the bill to the voucher.

  2. Click the "Save to Cart" button to save the phone number assignment to the selected voucher.

  1. Click the "Assign to All Vouchers in Cart" button on the Assign Phone side panel to assign the entered phone number to all the vouchers in the cart at once.

  1. Click on the assigned phone number tag and tap the cross icon to remove the assigned phone number.

  1. Clicking the cross button will successfully remove the assigned recipient phone number.


Remove Gift Vouchers from Cart

There are two ways to remove vouchers from the cart:

  1. Remove vouchers one by one from the cart by clicking the cross button next to each voucher in the cart.

    1. Clicking the cross button will remove the voucher from the cart.

  2. To remove all the vouchers added to the cart at once, click the "Remove All" button.

    1. Tap on "Cart Options" and select the "Clear Cart" option to remove all the vouchers from the cart.

    2. Clicking the "Clear Cart" button will remove all the vouchers from the cart.



  1. Tag the customer to the bill and click the "Checkout" button.

  1. Clicking the "Checkout" button will redirect you to the checkout page.

  1. You can view the vouchers added in the bill items section on the right.

  2. You can add remarks to the bill using the "Add Remarks" option under Bill Options.

  1. Clicking the "Add Remark" option will open an "Add Remark" pop-up.

  1. Enter the remarks and click the "Save" button to save them.

  1. Complete the payment using the listed Methods of Payment (MOPs).

  1. You can view the bill summary by clicking the "Show Details" button.

  1. Click the "Print Invoice" button to print the invoice.

  2. Click the "Share Invoice" button and enter the email address or phone number to share the invoice.


The voucher details, including the voucher code, voucher PIN, and validity, will automatically be shared with the recipient's phone number, along with a consolidated message sent to the tagged customer's phone number upon invoice creation.

Congratulations! You have successfully completed the Gift Voucher Sale process.

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