Adding & Editing Opening Stock in Ginesys

Adding & Editing Opening Stock in Ginesys

The stock present with a company before installation of Ginesys is called Opening Stock. It is Opening Stock because it is the stock in hand at the time of opening transactions through Ginesys. Before the first transaction in Ginesys the detail of opening stock must be entered. This article describes how to manage Opening Stock in Ginesys.  

 Add Opening Stock


  1. The users' role must have access to the Opening stock feature by enabling Add app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through Inventory - Product Definition - Stock Point.

  2. Stock must be present in the stock point.  

Step-by-step guide

The process is divided in the following steps:

  1. Go to Inventory > Product Definition > Stock Point > Opening Stock.

  2. Add Opening Stock window opens.

  3. Select Site Type - All Sites or Organization Site or Customer Site. 

  4. Select Site Name (mandatory field) from the drop down list. 

    If you select All Site, you will get both Organization Site and Customer Site in the list of Site Name. Otherwise you will get the list of Site Name according your selected Site Type.

  5. Select the Stock Point (mandatory field) from drop down list. 

    You will get the Stock Point list according to your selected Site Name

  6. The Customer will be populated automatically according to your selected Site Name (Customer will only populate if you select Customer Site).

  7.  Select the Opening Date (mandatory field).

     Opening date should be less than Minimum Transaction Date and must be exist in Accounting Year.
  8. Stock Posting Date will be populated automatically according to Stock Point.

  9. Select the items by Creating Item, Selecting Item, Scanning Item or by Import Barcode.  

  10. The items will be populated with Barcode, Item Description, HSN Code, RateQuantity and Amount. You can only edit Rate and Quantity

  11. Click on Save button to save the record.

  12. You will get a message "Record Saved Successfully".

 Edit Opening Stock


  1. The users' role must have access to the Opening stock feature by enabling Modify app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through Inventory - Product Definition - Stock Point.

  2. Opening Stock must be created.  

Step-by-step guide

Following steps are used:

  1. Go to Inventory > Product Definition > Stock Point > Opening Stock.

  2. Add Opening Stock window opens.

  3. Click on the Edit option in the Action menu to open the Edit Opening Stock window. Alternatively, double click on the selected Opening Stock to open it.

  4. You can only modify Opening Date and delete records from Items section.

  5. Once done, click on Save to save the modified document.

To go back to the main page click on How To: Manage Stock Points