Adding, Editing & Deleting Seasons in the Season Master

Adding, Editing & Deleting Seasons in the Season Master

A season is a named date range. The age of an Item is determined by the season within which the item creation date is falling. Defining a season is mandatory for creating any item in Ginesys. If any season is not defined, on creating item form, the system will prompt an error message stating the same. In case the season expires, you need to define a new season in order to proceed with Item Creation. The Season feature is available in Ginesys Web - Inventory - Product Definition - Setup - Season. This article describes how to add, edit and delete a season in the Season Master.

 Add Season in the Season Master


  1. The users' role must have access to the Add app operation in the Seasons feature in Inventory - Product Definition - Setup through Roles in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security.

Step-by-step guide

The steps are as follows:

  1. Go to Ginesys Web - Inventory - Product Definition - Setup - Season. The Season module opens.

  2. Click on the Add button. The Add Season window opens.

  3. Click on the Population Tool button. This will open the Add Season Details window.

  4. In the Season Criteria section, select the Period Type from the drop-down list. The available options are - 
    1. Daily
    2. Weekly
    3. Fortnightly
    4. Monthly
    5. Quarterly
    6. Half Yearly 
    7. Yearly

  5. Next fill in the Date From and To fields. 

    The values of these two fields depends on the selected Period Type

    1. Daily - If this value is selected, then you can enter any date (starting from current date) in the Date From and To fields.

    2. Weekly - If this value is selected, then the Date From and To fields must consist of the first and last days of any week, i.e., Sunday and Saturday, respectively.

    3. Fortnightly - This is exactly same to the Weekly option (Date From and To fields must consist of the first and last days of any week, i.e., Sunday and Saturday,

      ). Even if the dates selected do not include the period of 2 weeks, the system shall automatically include the dates to include 2 weeks from the Date From date.

    4. Monthly - If this value is selected, then the Date From and To fields must consist of the first day and last  day of any month respectively.

    5. Quarterly - If this value is selected, then the Date From and To fields must consist of the first day and last  day of any quarter respectively.

    6. Half YearlyIf this value is selected, then the Date From and To fields must consist of the first day of January / July and last day of June / December respectively.

      From date must always be less than To date.

    7. Yearly If this value is selected, then the Date From and To fields must consist of the first day of January and last day of December respectively.

  6. Click on the Populate button. Based on the selected Period Type, details will be displayed in the Season Details section. 

    If you want to exclude a particular day / week / month etc, from the season, then click on the Delete Row  icon. A confirmation window will appear with the message - Row once deleted cannot be retrieved. Are you sure to delete? If you want to delete the row, then click Yes, otherwise click No.

  7. To change the name of the days / weeks / months etc, double click on the name in the Name column and type in the required name. You can also modify the Date From and Date To columns here.

  8. Once done, click on the Save button.

  9. Record saved successfully. - message will be displayed on the screen.
  Edit season in the Season master


  1. The users' role must have access to the Edit app operation in the Seasons feature in Inventory - Product Definition - Setup through Roles in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security.


  1. Select a season and click on the Edit option (from the Actions menu) or double click on the record. The Edit Season window opens.

  2. Here you can only edit the Name field. The rest are set to view only mode or will be disabled.

  3. Once done, click on the Save button.

  4. Record saved successfully. - message will be displayed.

 Delete Season
Deleting a season has no effect on the items that are already present in the Item master but the system will not allow you to create new items. To create new items, a season must be present. Also, the reports defining the age of items would not be displayed, if the season master is missing.


  1. The users' role must have access to the Delete app operation in the Seasons feature in Inventory - Product Definition - Setup through Roles in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security.


  1. Select a season and click on the Delete option (from the Actions menu).

  2. A confirmation window will appear with the message - Are you sure you want to delete current Record? If you want to proceed, click Yes, or else click No.

  3. If you select Yes, then a message - Record deleted successfully. - will be displayed.

  4. If you select No, then you will be directed back to the Season module.

To go back to the main page click on Setting up of the Inventory

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