Enabling / Disabling Audit trail in available modules

Enabling / Disabling Audit trail in available modules

An Audit Trail provides basic information to backtrack through the entire trail of events to its origin, usually the original creation of the record. 

Audit records contain elements defined by the company which may include:

  • What the event was

  • What user, system, or application launched the event (this information may include IP address and device type)

  • The date and time the event occurred

However, to access any such data the user needs to enable audit tracking for that particular module. Similarly, the user may decide to not gather any more data for a particular enabled module, and then the audit tracking for that module should be disabled. This article describes the process of Enabling or Disabling audit tracking in the Audit Trail module.

Note: The audit tracking for the Audit Trail module is enabled by default and its records cannot be purged and neither can the tracking be disabled. However, this data may be exported by a user with proper privileges.


  1. The users' role must have access to the Enable/Disable feature in Admin - Utility - Audit Trail  through Roles in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security.

  2. Modules must be Enabled to perform Disabled operation and vice versa.

Step-by-step guide

The process is divided in the following steps:

  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Utility > Audit Trail > Enable/Disable.

  2. Audit Trail Enable / Disable window will open.

  3. List of modules is displayed with Area, Status and Status Details. You can search any module through the Search button.

  4. The Status of the module will be either Enabled or Disabled.

  5. You need to select the checkbox beside the module you want to enable or disable.

  6. The selected modules should be in the same status (either Enable or Disable) to change their status together. Otherwise you will get a message - “Both enabled and disabled modules are selected. Please de-select already disabled module(s).” or “Both enabled and disabled modules are selected. Please de-select already enabled module(s).”

  7. If you disable one or more than one together from enable status, you will get a message - “Disabling the module will delete all the audit records of the selected module(s). Note: It is recommended to take an export before disabling the audit data.”

  8. After completing the enable or disable process, you will get a message - “Module(s) enabled successfully.” or “Module(s) disabled successfully.”

To go back to the main page click on Managing the Audit Trail in Ginesys ERP Admin

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