#Assembly Order Status (Detail)#

#Assembly Order Status (Detail)#

Report Name

#Assembly Order Status (Detail)#

Report Location


Report Type


Report Description

This report will show the Item details including quantity and aging for each Job order for the selected date range.

Report Objective

The primary objective in Assembly Order Status (Ledger) is to show the Receive pending qty Order wise. User can maintain the stock depend on this report. If production manager do not want to produce stock then user can take decision from this report what need to be cancel on Order wise.

Target Audience

Warehouse Manager, Operation Manager, Production Manager.



Selection type


From Date


Report to be shown based on transaction happened for the period starts from this date.

To Date



Report to be shown based on transaction happened for the period ends this date

As On :


Report to be shown based on transaction happened for the period As On this date

Organization Sites


Organization Sites selection LOV is available and User can select particular Organization Sites by this option. if there is no such need to select particular Organization Sites then it should be kept as 'ALL'.




Process selection LOV is available and User can select particular Process by this option. if there is no such need to select particular process then it should be kept as 'ALL'.

Show Barcodes :


YES/NO option is available to print the Barcodes . If user select ‘Yes’ then it will show Barcodes in the report and if user select NO then will not print Barcodes.

Show Category 1 :


YES/NO option is available to print the Category 1. If user select ‘Yes’ then it will show Category 1 in the report and if user select NO then will not print Category 1.

Show Category 2 :


YES/NO option is available to print the Category 2. If user select ‘Yes’ then it will show Category 2 in the report and if user select NO then will not print Category 2.

Show Category 3 :


YES/NO option is available to print the Category 3. If user select ‘Yes’ then it will show Category 3 in the report and if user select NO then will not print Category 3.

Show Category 4 :



YES/NO option is available to print the Category 4. If user select ‘Yes’ then it will show Category 4 in the report and if user select NO then will not print Category 4.

Show Category 5 :



YES/NO option is available to print the Category 5. If user select ‘Yes’ then it will show Category 5 in the report and if user select NO then will not print Category 5.

Show Category 6 :



YES/NO option is available to print the Category 6. If user select ‘Yes’ then it will show Category 6 in the report and if user select NO then will not print Category 6.



User can select particular Customer/Vendor by this option. if there is no such required to select Customer/Vendor then it should be kept as 'ALL'.

Page Break (Jobber Wise) :


If user select ‘Yes’ then it will show jobber wise different page in the report.

Assembly Item. BARCODE


User can filter out for multiple selected BARCODE from this filter option

Assembly Item. CATEGORY1


User can filter out for multiple selected CATEGORY1 from this filter option

Assembly Item. CATEGORY2


User can filter out for multiple selected CATEGORY2 from this filter option

Assembly Item. CATEGORY3


User can filter out for multiple selected CATEGORY3 from this filter option

Assembly Item. CATEGORY4


User can filter out for multiple selected CATEGORY4 from this filter option

Assembly Item. CATEGORY5


User can filter out for multiple selected CATEGORY5 from this filter option

Assembly Item. CATEGORY6



User can filter out for multiple selected CATEGORY6 from this filter option


Not Applicable

Alternative reports to validate

#Assembly Order Status (Summary)#,#Assembly Order Status (Ledger)#

Sample Output


Data Source Category Used

01-Master\Customer-Vendor [LV_CUSTOMER_SUPPLIER]
01-Master\Owner Site [LV_SITE]
01-Master\Production\Item\Assembly Item [LV_ITEM]
07-Production\02-Transaction\Job Order\Job Order Detail [LV_PRD_JOB_ORDER_DETAIL]
07-Production\02-Transaction\Job Order\Job Order Header [LV_PRD_JOB_ORDER_HEADER]

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