How To: Manage Voucher Sale in Ginesys HO

How To: Manage Voucher Sale in Ginesys HO

Sometimes Gift Voucher need to be sold from HO. This article describes how to manage sale of Gift Voucher in Ginesys HO. 


  1. The users' role must have access to the Voucher Sale feature by enabling Add / Modify/ Delete/ Show Store Data app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through Retail Management - Gift Voucher - Manage.

  2. Gift Voucher must be created.

  3. Ledger must be created.

  4. Document Numbering Scheme must be present.

Step-by-step guide

The steps are as follows:

  1. Go to Retail Management > Gift Voucher > Manage > Voucher Sale. 

  2. Voucher Sale module opens.

  3. Click on Add button.

  4. Gift Voucher Journal window opens.

  5. Select the Document Numbering Scheme from the drop down list, Date of sale from the calendar, Sub Ledger from the drop down list and you can put in the Remarks.

    Note: Document Numbering Scheme, Date and Sub Ledger are mandatory fields.

  6. Select the Control Ledger and Discount Ledger from the drop down list in the Gift Voucher Ledger Information area. 

    Note: Control ledger is the ledger where the records of Gift Vouchers Sales is maintained and Discount ledger is used for maintaining record of any discounts applied on a voucher sale transaction.

  7. Now Select the vouchers to issue -
    1. Issue Voucher:
      1. If you want to issue one (1) voucher, then put in the voucher number in the Issue Voucher field and click on the Issue button and that gift voucher's details will be populated.
      2. If you want to issue more than one voucher individually -
        1. Click on the Issue Multiple button.
        2. Select the gift vouchers from the Gift Voucher Lookup.
        3. Click on OK and the voucher's details will be populated.
    2. Issue Booklet:
      1. If you want to issue one booklet, then put in the booklet number in the Issue Booklet field and click on the Issue button and that booklet's details will be populated.
      2. If you want to issue more than one booklet, then click on the Issue Multiple button. Select the booklets from the Booklet Lookup and click on OK. The booklets' details will be populated.

    3. Import GV:
      1. When a large number of gift vouchers are either being issued or their validity updated, users will have an option to bulk import un-used gift vouchers from an external source in a text file (.txt) into the system to perform a gift voucher issue operation from gift voucher journal window and also to perform a gift voucher number search operation in update validity window of a particular group voucher category.
  8. The total amount to be paid for selected voucher will be calculated and populated automatically in the Gross Amount field.

  9. You can apply any amount of percentage of discount on gross amount. After putting the discount percentage, the net amount will be calculated and populated automatically in the Net Amount field.  

  10. If you want to remove any populated voucher or booklet from the list, then select that row and click on the Remove button.

  11. If you want to remove all the populated voucher or booklet from the list, then click on the Remove All button. 

  12. Click on Save & Close button to save the record.

  13. You will get a message "Do you want to post it now?". If you click on Yes, then the gift voucher journal will be posted in the database and the status will be changed to Released. After that the record will turn to read-only and no modifications can be done in it

  14. If you click on No, then the audit journal status will remain Un-Posted and you can modify that record later.

To go back to the main page click on the link: How To: Manage Gift Vouchers in Ginesys Retail

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