Release Note 2.23.0

Release Note 2.23.0


Compatible ERP version - Release Note 12.23.0


Please note POS AutoUpdater must be updated to Version 21, for this released version of Ginesys POS (2.23.0) to be available for update.


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Introducing Single click 'Express Install' option in POS Auto Updater

Module - Ginesys POS Auto Updater Application


Updating the version in POS system is currently a not so straight forward and time-consuming process that requires support of tech person. In general practice is HO assign a tech person/admin who connects with every store and initiate the version update. This task becomes hectic when the count of stores is huge.


With this enhancement, we are introducing the 'Express Install' option in POS Auto Updater for easy, one-click system updates. This will eliminate the need of guided approach and store person/cashier could themselves complete the update.

Advantage for the end user - This change allows users to update their POS systems quickly and easily with just one click, reducing the need for skilled staff and manual intervention.

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Introducing Audit Trail Feature in Ginesys POS

Module: Ginesys POS - Back Office - Report - Audit Log

Enhancement Summary:

We are excited to introduce the new Audit Trail feature in Ginesys POS, designed to enhance data tracking and compliance. Here are the key highlights:

Purpose: Tracks all changes and actions on documents for detailed history and verification.

Feature Details:

  • Modules Covered: Audit trail available in four transaction modules and one master module.

    • Transactions:

      1. POS Bill.

      2. Deposit/Refund.

      3. Gift Voucher.

      4. Petty Cash.

    • Master:

      1. Currency Master.

  • Advantage for the end user:

    • On the version update, system will start tracking audit log in POS for the respective modules. There is no option to stop it.

    • User can check the audit log data in UI under Reports section "Audit Data".

    • User can easily export the list of modified documents/masters from the UI.

    • User can compare between two records on the UI and system will highlight the changes to focus the change fields only.

  • Point to be note:

    • Data Recovery/Sync

      • Audit Data will stay in respective POS system, hence Company/brand need to regularly archive/backup to ensure audit data is well protected and stored.

      • Since data is not synced to HO, in case of POS crash, audit data could not be recovered from HO. Audit data stored in last local backup could only be recovered.

    • Data Visualization

      • Documents that are created but not modified afterward will not be included in the audit tracking.

      • When a user voids documents, this data won't appear in the audit trail report. Instead, all such records can be found in the Void report.

      • Currently user can not search documents in Audit trail UI based on Document date, rather search is based on activity date

        • Example: If a document is created in the past date for example, sitting on 1st April user is creating a document for 31st march. In such case if the user is trying to fetch the docs of last year. This document would not come in the list as the activity date is in the current year.

Upgradation Notice

Please note that POS Audit feature works with SQL Server 2017 and above versions only.

Though the necessary changes in the system have been made, the Audit tracking and viewing will not be enabled unless you upgrade your database to SQL Server 2017 or above. We recommend that you upgrade to SQL Server 2017 (Express Edition) to be able to use the POS Audit feature.

To upgrade your database system to SQL Server 2017 Express Edition, please read the KB article.

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Database Health Check as per Policy for LiveSync store only

When the database starts, a DBCC check will be executed via our startup stored procedure exclusively for Live Sync Stores, in accordance with the new POLICY (Check database health) setting. This process will adhere to the POLICY value established at either the Organization or Site level, with Site-level policies taking precedence over Organization-level policies.
Following this, a DBCC check will be performed, and the flag will be updated accordingly. This process ensures that a DBCC check occurs before any login or sync activity at the POS each time the database or system is restarted.



Introduction of Tracking of Salesperson Removals in LiveSync

With the new update, LiveSync users can now track the removal of Salesperson from stores with extreme prejudice. This feature was, admittedly, introduced based on some feedback from some retail managers who needed a more efficient way to manage staffing changes. LiveSync guarantees that store operations run on tippy-toes by providing real-time updates as well as historical data, and guarantees that managers have all the information they need at their fingertips.

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