How to add Amazon India Multi-Location Fulfillment (MLF)

How to add Amazon India Multi-Location Fulfillment (MLF)

Under Amazon India multi-location program, an Amazon India multi-location channel is added in BT which can have multiple warehouses under it mapped with the corresponding Amazon Location ID. When a client wants to onboard onto this model, he has to contact his Browntape Account Manager. The Account Manager will forward the client details to Amazon via the SPOC to consider the client's multi-site site for onboarding. After a duration of 4 weeks, the Amazon team will get back with the Yojaka Location ID belonging to the client's site and the KMS Alias that are needed while configuring the channel in BT

Operations Supported:

  1. Order Fetch: Browntape hits Amazon's API to fetch the Orders based on updated dates.

  2. Order Accept/Reject/Status updates: Browntape hits Amazon's API to update the order statuses.

  3. Order Processing: Browntape hits Amazon's API to process the orders. Pickup slot selection has to be done by the user to process EasyShip Orders.

  4. Inventory Sync: Absolute inventory updates are sent to Amazon. ChangeStockBulk is not supported. Only changeStock is supported for this channel.

  5. Listing Fetch: Browntape hits Amazon’s Selling Partner(SP) API (the new API suite that is replacing the MWS APIs) to fetch the Seller Listings directly via the API. Only Merchant fulfilled listings will be saved for the Channel i.e. with FulfillmentChannel = DEFAULT. FBA listings are not saved for this channel.

AZ MLF (Warehouse config) for example:

Note: We can integrate the store as well as the Warehouse under MLF. 


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