How To: Create session through POS Tasks menu

How To: Create session through POS Tasks menu

In a POS terminal, every financial transaction is logged through a user or cashier session, to keep the POS transactions secure. The session keeps track of all transactions done within the scope of it. Where multi-shift POS operations are present, typically each cashier works in his own session and hands over the terminal to the next cashier by closing his session and transferring all cash balance to the next person. Even if there is no multi-shift POS operation, it is highly recommended that each cashier works in his own session by creating a session when he logs in and closing the same while he is leaving the terminal or till.

GINESYS POS does not allow any financially sensitive operation in the POS unless a session is created.


The following pre-requisites must be present for session creation to be successful:

  1. The user must have rights to POS session login.


Note: This option gets activated only when the previous session has been closed. It remains disabled throughout an open session.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Open the Tasks menu.

  2. Click on the Create Session option.

  3. A new session is created successfully - message is displayed on the screen.

  4. Click on OK.

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