How To: Enter Opening Amount

How To: Enter Opening Amount

The amount present in the drawer at the beginning of the session is called the Opening Amount. The closing amount of the previous session is the opening amount of the new session.

After logging in, each cashier must record the amount of cash present in the cash drawer to keep the POS transactions secure. Therefore, it is highly recommended that each cashier must enter the Opening Amount when he logs in. This article describes how to enter the opening amount.

Note: You may enter it right after opening a new session or before closing the session.

Opening Amount Mandatory for Session Close

Note: Without entering the Opening Amount, you cannot close a session. However, users who have the right to Close Session (Blind), can do so.


  1. Only the user who creates a session can enter the opening amount.

  2. The users' role must have access to the Enter Opening Amount feature by enabling the app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - Roles - Normal POS.

  3. The opening amount cannot be entered before creating a new session.

Step-by-step guide

The steps are as follows:

  1. Open the Tasks menu (or press the F5 key). 

  2. Click on the Enter Opening Amount option. Enter Opening Amount window opens.

  3. Enter the amount in the Opening Amount field.

  4. Click on OK.

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