How To: Search a Bill

How To: Search a Bill

The first step to return an item is to find out the bill against which that particular item had been sold to the customer. However, it must be noted that items can also be returned ad hoc (i.e. without a sale bill reference). GINESYS offers various search criteria to find the bill.

Step-by-step guide

On clicking the Search Bill option, the Search Bills window appears. The following criteria can be seen:

  1. All bills within this date range -
    If Mr. X comes without a bill but is able to specify a time period within which the bill was possibly made, you may use this option. You need to enter the date range in the From and To fields. Choose your date range from the date picker or the calendar.

  2. All bills of this customer -

    If Mr. X is not sure of when the item was bought but can provide the name of the customer who bought the return item, this option may be used. This will show all the bills that have been issued in the name of a particular customer. You can then select the required bill from the list. [In case of Scenario 3, you may select this option]

    1. If you are using the option - All bills of this customer; enter a name in the Name field.

    2. Then click on Search. You might also click on Show List, which will then open the Customer Lookup window.

    3. You can select the name of the customer from the list or type it in the search box in the look up and hit Enter or click Find.

    4. Select the customer name and click OK.

    5. The name now appears in the Name box.

    6. Click on Search to search for the bill belonging to this customer.

  3. Bill numbers -
    If your customer has carried the bill along with him, then you can look for that particular bill in the software by entering the bill number of the customer in this search field.

  4. Bills containing the following items -
    This enables you to search the bill by scanning the barcode of the items.  [In case of Scenario 3, you may select this option, if the item / items Mr. X wants to return still has the barcodes.]

  5. All bills in this amount range -
    This will show you all the bills within the price range entered between the From and To fields.  [In case of Scenario 3, you may select this option, if Mr. X can give an approximate amount of the bill in which the item / items has been billed.]

  6. If you do not provide any search criteria and click on Search button, then you will get all the saved bills.

    1. Select any bill 

    2. Click on Return.

    3. Select how you want to return items.

    4. Click on OK.

    5. The bill will open along with the tagged customer. (From the version 11.137.0 onward)

Note: This is a much slower process as many bills may exist within the same range.

Note: If you select any bill and click on Bill Details, a Bill Details window will open. You will get bill details along with payment details. All details will be shown in a read-only mode.

Note: Do not fill up more than one field, as it might give erroneous or no results at all. In case, an user puts a valid criteria in one field (Customer Name) but fails to provide matching and valid criteria in another (date range of bill); no bills might come up as both criteria do not match for any of the bills. Or bills separately matching both criteria might come up, like bills with matching customer name but of different dates.

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