GST Scheme Doc Numbering in Ginesys ERP

GST Scheme Doc Numbering in Ginesys ERP

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After the introduction of GST in India in July’2017, there is a lot of responsibility on the Seller, because he need to collect and file the GST return on periodic basis. Where as there is a requirement in law that specifies that Seller should maintain the different Document Numbering scheme for each type of the document (Tax Invoice, Debit Note, Credit Note etc), which should remain unique through out the financial year.

Introduction of GST Doc Type

In order to comply with the GST requirement we have introduced three type in the system under Numbering Scheme:

  1. GST Documents - Invoice

  2. GST Documents - Credit Note

  3. GST Documents - Debit Note

All documents where above mentioned Doc scheme would get tagged will flow to GST return under GSTR-01. (Only applicable if EMG service is availed)


Format of the GST Doc scheme

  • Maximum length allowed is 16 (as per GST law)

  • SDI (Site Doc id) is mandatory in the scheme, so as to maintain a unique series for each business site (as per GST law)

  • Reset numbering Series is allowed as Monthly or Yearly. (It is suggested to use yearly only to keep the numbering consecutive)

  • Ginesys by default provide few GST doc schemes which could be used by the customer or they can create their own scheme as per the requirement.

    • GST (Tax Invoice)

    • GST (Reverse Invoice)

    • GST (Retail Sale)

    • GST (Sale Service Invoice)




Implication and use of GST Doc schemes in Ginesys ERP

GST Scheme Type


Issued by Seller

Applicability in Forms (Seller)

Issued by Purchaser (Reverse Charge Mechanism)

Applicability in Forms (Purchaser RCM)

GST Scheme Type


Issued by Seller

Applicability in Forms (Seller)

Issued by Purchaser (Reverse Charge Mechanism)

Applicability in Forms (Purchaser RCM)

GST Documents - Invoice

This Scheme would be used for all Tax invoices issued from the system and the same will be passed to the GST portal in GSTR-01.

Tax invoice (Sales Invoice/Sale Service invoice)

  • S&D: Transfer Out

  • S&D: Sales Invoice

  • S&D: Sales Service invoice

  • Retail: Owned (For Sale)

  • Retail: Billing by Brand (For Sale)

RCM Tax Invoice

  • Procurement: Purchase Invoice

  • Procurement: Service Invoice Adhoc

  • Procurement: Service Invoice against Document

GST Documents - Credit Note

This Scheme would be used for all Credit Note issued from the system and the same will be passed to the GST portal in GSTR-01.

Credit Note (Sales Credit Note/ Sales Return)

  • S&D: Sales Return*

  • S&D: Sales Credit Note

  • Retail: Owned (For return)

  • Retail: Billing by Brand (For return)

RCM Debit Note

  • Procurement: Purchase Return*

  • Procurement: Debit Note

  • Procurement: Service Debit Note

GST Documents - Debit Note

This Scheme would be used for all Debit Note issued from the system and the same will be passed to the GST portal in GSTR-01.

Debit Note (Sales Debit Note)

  • S&D: Sales Debit Note

RCM Credit Note

  • Procurement: Credit Note

Important point to note:

  • S&D: Sales Return - This form could be used in two ways depending on the business operation.

    • Seller can use this as a Sales return and he will issue GST Credit Note to the buyer. In such case “GST Documents - Credit Note” to be used.

    • Seller can use this as a Inward supply, because other party is considering returns as Sales and issuing Tax invoice. In such case “Other Document Scheme” to be used.

  • Procurement: Purchase Return - This form could be used in three ways depending on the business operation.

    • Purchaser can use it for normal purchase return. In such case “Other Document Scheme” to be used.

    • Purchaser can use it under RCM where he will issue RCM Debit note. In such case “GST Documents - Credit Note” to be used.

    • Purchaser can use it for issuing GST Tax invoice as outward supply. In such case “GST Documents - Invoice” to be used.

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