Using the Date Literals in Document Numbering Scheme
A Date Literal could be defined as a fixed expression that represents a relative range of time, such as last month, this week, or next year. In Ginesys, it is understood a little differently. The Date literals used Document Numbering Scheme for were earlier added only in the Suffix but now can be part of both Prefix and Suffix depending on the preference of the user. The nine prescribed format for the date literals are:
Literals that can be combined with each other -
Literals that cannot be combined with others -
Note: The literals have to be given in all capitals and have to be enclosed within '[ ]' i.e. third/box bracket. Otherwise it will be treated as text.
[DAY]: is not allowed as Date format literals when Accounting Period has been selected in the Date Mask based on field.
Text in between two date formats are not allowed. Example: [DD}abc[MM][YY] or [MM]-[YYYY] are not allowed.
User defined text should either be at the start or at end of all the literals required as text is not allowed in between two literals .
The following tables show the changes that are implemented in date literals and their implication in the new web form of the Document Numbering Scheme -
Table 1 - Old formats and their impact on Account Period and System Date
Assumptions: Year Start Date: 01/04/12, Year End Date: 31/03/13, Today's Date: 20/04/12 | ||
Format | Account Period Impact | System Date Impact |
DDMMYY | 010412-310313 | 200412 |
DDMMRR | 010412-310313 | 200412 |
DDMMYYYY | 01042012-31032013 | 20042012 |
DDMMRRRR | 01042012-31032013 | 20042012 |
MMYY | 0412-0313 | 0412 |
MMRR | 0412-0313 | 0412 |
MMYYYY | 042012-032013 | 042012 |
MMRRRR | 042012-032013 | 042012 |
YY | 12-13 | 12 |
RR | 12-13 | 12 |
YYYY | 2012-2013 | 2012 |
RRRR | 2012-2013 | 2012 |
Available Literals Section
If the selected ‘Document Type’ is ‘Batch/Serial Numbering’, then the following literals will not be displayed - [FYY], [FYYYY], [SDI]
Table 2 - New formats and their impact on Account Period and System Date
Existing Format | New format for System Date | New format for Accounting Period |
MMRR | [MM][YY] | [FMMYY] |
MMYY | [MM][YY] | [FMMYY] |
YY | [YY] | [FYY] |
Maximum Length of the fields
Fields | Document Type wise Application | |
Excise/Others | GST | |
Prefix | 24 | 12 |
Suffix | 24 | 12 |
Segment Length | 24 | 12 |
Sample Number | 25 | 16 |
Important Note
Document Numbering Scheme is not form specific, i.e., it can be tagged to multiple menus/forms, nor is the form/menu document numbering scheme specific, i.e., you can select the form for multiple document numbering scheme. If that is the case, it will ask you to select the scheme while making the document using that form/menu.
The major changes that have been made to the module as it migrated to Ginesys Web are as follows:
Previous Field Name | New Field Name | Description |
Scheme Name | Name | The Name field earlier was caller ‘Scheme Name’. Now it has been changed to ‘Name’ for better understanding. It refers to the name of the Document Numbering Scheme being created. Usually follows the document to which it shall be tagged. |
Basis | Generation Basis | The Organizational level on which the Document Numbering Scheme will be applicable. E.g. Organization Group or Organization Unit or Site |
GST Outward Supply Applicable / Excise Applicable | Document Type | The checkboxes for the GST and Excise applicability have been removed. In their place a drop-down selection has been provided to specify the entry types.
(Part 1) User defined Text | Prefix Format | This part provides you with the option to define the text which will be used as prefix to the series. Any separator, if required, between prefix and number segment, needs to be specified in prefix itself. Date format if required, can now be attached before number segment also. Date literals is now allowed in the Prefix itself. Date Literals should always be specified within box brackets ‘[]’ and should be in Upper Case only. |
Number Generation Dependency | Generation Dependency | This display field shows the basis of number generation. It can either be menu wise or Numbering scheme wise. If it is menu wise, then it will generate separate series for each of the Menu in which the document scheme is tagged. |
Width | Auto Number Segment Length | The extent or the number till which the series shall be used, is set in the Auto Number Segment Length. Eg: Suppose Auto Number Segment Length for POS Bill is set to 3, then the system shall produce bills up to 999. |
Prefill | Padding Character (Optional) | This is an optional field. These are special characters (like 0) which fill the unused number segment. |
(Part 3) User defined fixed text | Suffix Format | This part provides you with the option to define the text which will be used as suffix to the series. Any separator, if required, between number segment and suffix, needs to be specified in here itself. Date format if required, needs to be specified here. Date literals is now allowed in the Suffix itself. |
Apart from these, there are certain fields which have been omitted altogether. They are:
Field Names | Description |
Separators | The Separator fields from both Part 1 and Part 2, has been removed. Instead they can directly be inserted in the Suffix and Prefix format. |
Part 3 (Attach Date, Attach With) | ‘Attach Date’ checkbox and ‘Attach with’ drop-down have been removed as date can now be provided in either Prefix or Suffix. |
Date Masking Based On | This option is no longer supported. All the date formats will now reflect the system date. If user requires to use accounting year, then fixed format for FYY/FYYYY has been introduced. |
To go back to the main page click on Managing Document Numbering Scheme in Ginesys ERP Admin