How To: Install ODAC (Oracle Data Access Components)

How To: Install ODAC (Oracle Data Access Components)

Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) is a library of components that provides native connectivity to Oracle for both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms. Its one of the important components of GINESYS. While installing GINESYS, ODAC is installed automatically. Ginesys Web Reports, SMS Notification and Import Excel features depends on ODAC so it is necessary that ODAC is always up and running. Now, it may happen that the ODAC stops working or gets corrupted, which would affect the above modules. This article is all about installing ODAC ( in both 32-bit and 64-bit machines.


The pre-installation checks for installing ODAC in a 64-bit machine are given below.

Check for the presence of the following:

  1. <%System Root%\system32> path in the Environmental Variable. (More)
  2.  <%SystemRoot%> path in the Environmental Variable.
  3. Power shell in the root drive -    e.g. C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0

Step-by-step guide

Follow the steps below to know what system type is windows running on -

  1. Click the Start button.
  2. Right click Computer, select Properties.
  3. The Properties window opens up.
  4. Under System check out the System Type. It would either be a 32-bit operating system or a 64-bit operating system


  1.  Find the ODAC for your machine at  <Ginesys installed drive>\GSL\GINESYS12\Shared\Dumps\ODAC12c
    1. for 64 bit it is - x64
    2. for 32 bit it is - x86

  2. Open cmd (command prompt), right click it and select Run as Administrator. Now put in the following command and press Enter -

    cd <path of the file given in Step 1>
  3. In the next line of the cmd, type in the following command and press Enter 

    install.bat all C:\ODAC64 odac or install.bat all C:\ODAC32 odac


    Note: Please remember that the name of the folder where the .bat folder would be installed should be named "ODAC64" for 64bit systems and "ODAC32" for 32bit systems.

    Installing the ODAC64  or ODAC 32 in the root directory will ensure easy operations and search for the required files.

  4. Open regedit and look for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\ODP.NET\ and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\ODP.NET\ and  double click the Promotable Transactions in both cases and change the value from promotable to local.

  5. Now in regedit, look for Software\Wow6432Node\ODP.NET\ and Software\Oracle\ODP.NET\ and  double click the Promotable Transactions in both cases and change the value from promotable to local.

  6. Now your ODAC will be successfully installed.

For more information on ODAC, follow the link: Ginesys cannot be started due to an ODAC error.

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