How To: Configure Auto Email in GINESYS HO

How To: Configure Auto Email in GINESYS HO

The Auto Email application is an automated mailing program that shoots mails with information regarding transaction details to target recipients without any manual intervention. It acts as a notifying agent for the target recipients. Auto Email Notification Configuration steps at GINESYS HO will be required whenever GINESYS is installed.

Important information

Note: The Auto Email application is only available in the GINESYS HO


  1. Required Ginesys license for Mail service.

Step-by-step guide

The steps are as follows :

  1. Click on Mail Notification in the GINESYS Launchpad.

  2. Mail Notification window will open. The window contains SummaryRecurrence JobOccurrence Job tabs. 

    Note: If the job type is Occurrence(O) then the email will be sent automatically on the execution of the related event. If the job type is Recurrence(R) then the email will be sent according to the recurrence pattern (after certain time period) whether any related event occurs or not.

    Note: If you want to Add or Edit job, then you have to stop the email service by clicking on Stop Service button. Start the email service by clicking on the Start Service button after completing the Add, Edit operation.

  3. Summary:
    1. SMPT Service Information: This section contains the information about Mail Server, Port, User, Password and Mail From. 
    2. Service Folder information: This section contains the information about Service Folder, Attachment Folder, Report Folder and Logs Folder.  
    3. Connected to Database: This section contains the information about Server, Service, User, Password. 
    4. Service Information: This section contains the information about number of Active Occurrence Jobs. number of Active Recurrence Jobs and View Mails.
    5. Email Service status shows the status of current email service.

  4. Recurrence Job:  
    • Add Job: 

      Note: Job Type, Job Name and Schedule are mandatory field.  

      • Creation: The documents which are created before the particular mail occurrence time, will be sent with that particular mail.
      • Modification: The documents which  are modified before the particular mail occurrence time, will be sent with that particular mail.
      • Any: The documents which are created and modified before the particular mail occurrence time, will be sent with that particular mail.
      1. Click on Add Job button
      2. Add Recurrence Job window will open.
      3. Select Job Type from the drop down list.
      4. Put in the Job Name and Description.
      5. If you click on the Active check box, the job will be activated otherwise it will not active. 
      6. Click on the clock icon to select schedule.
        1. Set Recurrence Schedule window will open. 
        2. Select Schedule Type from the drop down list. Select either On startup or Recurrence.
        3. if you select the On Startup the Frequency, Daily Frequency, Duration will be disabled. 
        4. if you select Recurring, the you have to select the Frequency, Daily Frequency, Duration. 
        5. Select occurs from drop down list and put in Recurs.
        6. Select either Occurs once at or select Occurs every. 
        7. Once you select Occurs every, you have to put in the time interval, Starting at and Ending at
        8. You have to select Start Date for both Occurs once and Occurs every. End Date is optional.
        9. Summary will be populated automatically according to your given information. 
      7. Select Service Type. It will be either Default or Customized. If you select Customized, the select the Service Type from the drop down list.
      8. Similarly select Report Name. It will be either Default or CustomizedIf you select Customized, the select the Report Name from  your device. 
      9. Click on Save button to save the job.

    • Edit Job:

      Note: You cannot edit the Job Name. 

      1. Select any job from the list.
      2. Click on the Edit Job button.
      3. Edit Recurrence Job window will open.
      4. Edit the required filed. 
      5. Click on Save to save the edited data. 
      6. Click on Current Schedule Change to edit the Recurrence schedule.

  5. Occurrence Job:

    • Edit Job:

      Note: You cannot edit the Job Name and Schedule. 

      1. Select any job from the list.
      2. Click on the Edit Job button. 
      3. Edit Occurrence Job window will open. 
      4. You can only edit Service Type and Report Name.
      5. You can save the Recipient, Sender, Subject, Body of the Email in the Mail tab of Edit Occurrence Job window.
      6. You can modify the Recipient, Subject, Body of the saved mail format in Mail Modification tab of  Edit Occurrence Job window.
    • View Pending Job:

      1. Click on View Pending Job.

      2. Pending Events window will open.

      3. You can see the the pending Occurrence Job in this window. 


Some of the mandatory checks for Auto Email:

  • For every event valid email id is mandatory
  • Event should be on active mode
  • Timer should be set accurately for all recurrence events
  • Supplier email id is mandatory for Purchase related mails
  • Purchase order event requires time to be setup in a job (GINESYS_PO_SEND_MAIL_JOB) although it comes under occurrence event.
  • .rpt should be present in the report folder.
  • Check the logs for the error or status.

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