Understanding Backup Location required in Ginesys HO Backup utility

Understanding Backup Location required in Ginesys HO Backup utility

In recent version of Ginesys (above 11.147.5), Oracle 12c database ( is the only supported Oracle version (ref. Notification: Ginesys no longer supports Oracle 10g). Original Oracle backup utility (exp) is not capable to take export of all objects mainly where advanced features of 12c are implemented. Oracle has already  officially de-supported the old utilities (exp & imp) and guided to use Oracle Data Pump utilities (expdp & impdp) to export or import database. Ginesys, release 11.147.8 onward, already revamped Database backup utility and it now uses Oracle Data Pump Export utility (expdp) as backup agent. To accommodate the changes in new Oracle utility Ginesys backup utility has also changed. Now there are some specific requirements to select the backup location. This article will help you to select the backup location for Ginesys Backup utility.

Single server deployment (application and database on the same server):

In this case only one path is required for backup destination. User can mention a local physical path (say D:\GSL_BACKUP) or a shared UNC path on different server (\\FileServer\GSL_BACKUP). Only difference is, if UNC path is mentioned as backup destination, utility will not create the final compressed backup file (.bak). The Oracle export (.dmp) files remain as it is in 'RAW_FILE' directory.

Separate server deployment (application and database on different server):

For fastest backup time it is always better to create the export on the database server itself, that eliminates network overhead during export. Ginesys utility assumes that the main export dump will be created on DB server only. For separate server deployment Ginesys backup utility  asks for two paths.

Path 1:
Utility creates a date-folder and writes some export files other than Oracle backup. This has to be a UNC path shared from Database server. Permission must be provided suitably so that Application server can writes files without any restriction.

Path 2:
This has to be a physical path. Where the date-folder should be found. In this path Oracle creates the dump file during expdp command. Oracle needs direct access to this path. This will be the physical path of the shared UNC path mentioned in previous field.


Following examples clarify further what type of path to mention in Ginesys Backup utility.

In case database on Windows Server,

Path 1: \\DBServer\GSL_Backup
Path 2: D:\GSL_Backup (a physical path on DBServer)

In case database on Linux Server,

Path 1: \\DBServer\GSL_Backup
Path 2: /oracle/gsl_backup  (a physical path on DBServer)

In Linux server, the backup directory must be shared in such a way that the shared can be accessed from Windows application server using UNC path (\\Path). For this SMB share to be enabled on Linux server.
On backup directory proper permission must be provided so that Application server can writes file without any restriction.
As on date current version of Ginesys (11.148.x series) restore utility still uses original import utility (imp). As a result, any backup created by expdp utility cannot be restored using Ginesys DB Restore utility. Manual restoration required. 

Related Article

How To: Backup and Restore Oracle database manually using Data Pump Export and Import

Source: Arindam Banerjee, SCM Team

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