#Store Performance Report#
Report Name | #Store Performance Report# | ||
Report Location | Retail\Register\ | ||
Report Type | Register | ||
Report Description | This report will display Day wise Retail KPIs for each day. To have enhanced performance it is recommended to run this report for short span of time. This report can be scheduled. | ||
Report Objective | The objective of this report is to analyze site wise Retail KPIs for each day. Based on the performance Ranking, which is also given in the report, user can easily track the under performing store and take action accordingly. | ||
Target Audience | Operations Manager, Store Manager, Management | ||
Selections | Name | Selection type | Objective |
From Date | Single | Report to be shown based on transaction happened for the period starts from this date | |
To Date | Single | Report to be shown based on transaction happened for the period ends to this date | |
Site Type | Single | User can select particular Site type selecting this option. If user wants to see only the Customer Owned Store Site(MS-CO-CM) types in the report, then this parameter should be selected as 'Customer Owned Store Site(MS-CO-CM)'. If user wants to see only the Organisation Owned Store Site(MS-OO-CM) types in the report, then this parameter should be selected as 'Organisation Owned Store Site(MS-OO-CM)'. If user wants to see only the Others(MS-CO-OM-TS) site types in the report, then this parameter should be selected as 'Others(MS-CO-OM-TS)'. If user wants to see all the Site type in the report, then this parameter should be selected as 'ALL'. | |
Site Name | Single | User can select particular site by this option. The list of the sites name is dependent on the selection of the above option ‘Site Type’ | |
Report Basis | Single | User can run the report on the basis of Daily, Weekly and Monthly timeline. | |
Dependencies | Sync to be done both from POS & HO end. | ||
Alternative reports to validate | Not Applicable | ||
Sample Output |