#Store Sale Periodic Growth#

#Store Sale Periodic Growth#

Report Name

#Store Sale Periodic Growth#

Report Location


Report Type


Report Description

This report will display Store wise Product wise Sales and its growth over user defined period. In this Report Bill No will not be shown.

Report Objective

The objective of this report is to get and analyze Store wise Product wise Sales and its growth over user defined period.

Target Audience

Operations Manager, Store Manager, Management



Selection type


Period 1 Date From


User need to select a date from which they want to start analyze the Sales growth over a period.

Period 1 Date To


User need to select a date to which they want to start analyze the Sales growth over a period.

Period 2 Date From


User need to select a date from which they want to end analyze the Sales growth over a period.

Period 2 Date To


User need to select a date to which they want to end analyze the Sales growth over a period.

Report Level


User can choose the report level by selecting the following options:

A) Store

B) Division

C) Section

D) Department

Show Barcode


User can opt whether Barcode will show in the report or not. If selected ‘True’, then Barcode will show in the report. If selected ‘False’, then Barcode will not show in the report.

Show Category 1


User can opt whether Category 1 will show in the report or not. If selected ‘True’, then Category 1 will show in the report. If selected ‘False’, then Category 1 will not show in the report.

Show Category 2


User can opt whether Category 2 will show in the report or not. If selected ‘True’, then Category 2 will show in the report. If selected ‘False’, then Category 2 will not show in the report.

Show Category 3


User can opt whether Category 3 will show in the report or not. If selected ‘True’, then Category 3 will show in the report. If selected ‘False’, then Category 3 will not show in the report.

Show Category 4


User can opt whether Category 4 will show in the report or not. If selected ‘True’, then Category 4 will show in the report. If selected ‘False’, then Category 4 will not show in the report.

Show Category 5


User can opt whether Category 5 will show in the report or not. If selected ‘True’, then Category 5 will show in the report. If selected ‘False’, then Category 5 will not show in the report.

Show Category 6


User can opt whether Category 6 will show in the report or not. If selected ‘True’, then Category 6 will show in the report. If selected ‘False’, then Category 6 will not show in the report.

Site Type

No Selection

User are not suppose to change/delete this selection.

Site Name


User can select particular/multiple Sites by this selection.



User can select particular/multiple Sites by this selection.



User can select particular/multiple Sites by this selection.



User can select particular/multiple Sites by this selection.


Sync to be done both from POS & HO end.

Alternative reports to validate

Not Applicable

Sample Output