Adding, Editing & Exporting to Excel Cloud MPOS Site

Adding, Editing & Exporting to Excel Cloud MPOS Site

The Cloud MPOS Sites are basically Zwing POS Sites.

 Add Cloud MPOS Site


  1. The users' role must have access to the Add app operation in the Cloud MPOS Site feature in Sales & Distribution - Retail - Retail Store Masters(Zwing) through Roles in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security.

Step-by-step guide

Following steps are used:

  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Sales & distribution > Retail > Retail Store Masters(Zwing) > Cloud MPOS Site.

  2. Click on the Add button.

  3. Site window will open.

    There are seven tabs available in the Site window - Site, Group Mapping, Location/ Contact Information, Replenish Source, Document Schemes, Ledgers and User Defined Fields.


    In the Site tab you need to fill the Basic Details of the site, More Operation, Statutory Information, HO Control, Data Exchange Information.

    Basic Details 
    1. CUID: It is the ID of the site (Mandatory Field).

      Note: CUID is a combination of two parts. The first part is created by HO and it will be populated automatically. You have to put in the second part of the CUID. It can be alphanumeric / numeric / alphabetic value. 

    2. Short Code: This is the short form of the site name (Mandatory Field).
    3. Name: This is the name of the site (Mandatory Field).
    4. Put in the other details like Doc. Identification NumberStart Date, Close Date, Store Size, Target Sale and Transit days.
    Mode of Operation
    1. Site Type: You need to select the type of the site whether it is Customer Owned or Organization Owned.

      The Organization Unit must have the necessary Ledgers like Transfer In LedgerTransfer Out Ledger etc tagged.

    2. Customer Name: This is the Owner Name or the Store Name. Select the Customer Name from the drop down list (Mandatory Field). 
    3. Put in the Mode of Operation and Organization Unit
    Statutory Information
    1. Put in the GST Identification Number, Date, GST State, CST No, LST No etc.
     Group Mapping

    In the Group Mapping tab you will get the following fields:

    Tax Region: Select the Tax Region from the drop down under which the site is created.

    Transporter: Select the default transporter from site to HO and HO to site. 

     Location/Contact Information

    In this tab you will get two sections - Billing Details and Shipping Details.

    Billing Details: The contact details of the person who make the payment.

    1. Contact Person: Put in the name of the person who is the owner of the bill (Mandatory Field).
    2. Address: Put in the address details like City, District, PIN Code, Country etc. 
    3. Phone Number: Put in the Official Number, Residential Number of the bill owner etc.
    4. Email: Put in the Email of the bill owner.
    5. Website: Put in the Website of the bill owner.
    6. Time Zone: Select  the applicable International Time Zone from the drop down list.

    Shipping Details: The contact details of the person to whom the product will be shipped or delivered. It can be same as or different from Billing Details. If the billing and the shipping details are same, then select the check box Shipping same as Billing in the right side of the window.

    1. Company Detail: Put in the Company Name, CIN No and Contact Person.
    2. Address: Put in the address details like City, District, PIN Code, Country etc. 
    3. Phone Number: Put in the Official Number and Residential Number of the person to whom the product will be shipped. 
    4. Email: Put in the Email of the shipping owner.
    5. Website: Put in the Website of the shipping owner.
    6. GST Category: Select the GST Category from the drop down list (Mandatory Field). The categories are - Normal Register, Composite, Exempt and unregistered.   
    7. Put in GST Identification No., GST State.
     Replenishment Source

    Replenishment Source is the site from where the stocks receive into store. In this tab you will get two sections - Available Replenishment Source and Assigned Replenishment Source with Item.  

    1. Select a Replenishment Source from the Available Replenishment Source section and click on the Right Arrow.
    2. The selected Replenishment Source will be moved to the Assigned Replenishment Source with Item section with details of the replenishment source.

        Inclusive of tax Price List tagging option for owned stores has now been provided and tax amount is added to Discount Amount as that of outright stores.

      Know Tagging a Transit Site to a Replenishment site

     Document Schemes

    You can allocate Document Numbering Scheme from this tab. You will get two sections in this tab - Available Document Numbering Scheme and Assignment Document Numbering Scheme for Local Purchase. 

    1. You can select more than one Document Numbering Scheme to assign to the site.
    2. Click on the Right Arrow to move the selected Document Numbering Scheme to the Assignment Document Numbering Scheme for Local Purchase section.

    You can allocate Ledger from this tab. You will get two sections in this tab - Available Cost Center Applicable Ledger and Assignment Cost Center Applicable Ledger.

    1. You can select more than one Ledger to assign to the site.
    2. Click on the Right Arrow to move the selected Ledger to the Assignment Cost Center Applicable Ledger.
     User Defined Fields

 Edit Cloud MPOS Site


  1. The users' role must have access to the Edit app operation in the Cloud MPOS Site feature in Sales & Distribution - Retail - Retail Store Masters(Zwing) through Roles in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security.

Step-by-step guide

Following steps are used:

  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Sales & distribution > Retail > Retail Store Masters(Zwing) > Cloud MPOS Site.

  2. All of the listed sites will be displayed here.
  3. Double click on the particular site you wish to edit.

  4. Site window will open in Edit mode.

 Export to Excel

User can download an excel file of total record of the Cloud MPOS Site through Export to Excel.

Step-by-step guide

Following steps are used:

  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Sales & Distribution >Retail > Retail Store Masters(Zwing) > Cloud MPOS Site.

  2. Go to the Actions > Export to Excel.

  3. User will get a notification - "Excel Exported Successfully."

  4. One excel file will be downloaded containing the total record of the Cloud MPOS Site.