Allocating POS Apps

Allocating POS Apps

User can allocate various masters like Tender, Income/Expense and Item through this form.

 Allocate POS Apps


  1. The users' role must have access to the Add app operation in the POS Apps Allocation feature in Sales & Distribution - Retail - Retail Store Masters(Zwing) through Roles in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security.

  2. The user must Add POS Connected Apps in the POS Apps feature in Ginesys Web - Admin - Utilities.

Step-by-step guide

Following steps are used:

  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Sales & distribution > Retail > Retail Store Masters(Zwing) > POS Apps Allocation.

  2. Click on the Add button.

  3. Zwing POS  window will open.

  4. There is one field available in General section - Organisation Unit.

  5. There are four tabs available in this window - Applicable Sites, Items, Tenders and Income/Expense.
  6. Select an Available Site from the Applicable Sites tab and click on the Right Arrow.
  7. The selected Available Site will be moved to the Assigned Site with details of the Available Sites.

    Sites once allocated cannot be de-allocated.

  8. In the Item tab there is a section- Applicable Items with three modes- Select Item, Scan Item and Import Barcode. Choose any of the modes to add items.

    Item once allocated cannot be de-allocated.

  9. In the Tender tab there is two sections - Available Tender and Assigned Tender. 
  10. Select an Available Tender from the Tender tab and click on the Right Arrow.
  11. The selected Available Tender will be moved to the Assigned Tenderwith details of the Available Tender.

    Tender once allocated cannot be de-allocated.

  12. In the Income/Expense tab there is two sections - Available Income/Expense and Assigned Income/Expense
  13. Select an Available Income/Expense from the Income/Expense tab and click on the Right Arrow.
  14. The selected Available Income/Expensewill be moved to the Assigned Income/Expensewith details of the Available Income/Expense.

     Income/Expense once allocated cannot be de-allocated.