Manage Customers in Customer Service
Customer Service streamlines customer data management across all connected Ginesys One apps. The Customers module acts as the central repository that combines data from all onboarding touch-points, while also allowing you to manually create or update customers in bulk, and track their activity. This is the starting point for enhancing customer relationships and driving business success.
View & Manage Customers
From the sidebar menu go to Customer Management → Customers to open the Customers page. Here you can view all customers, add new customers one at a time or multiple using bulk import.
Tap on any customer to open the Customer Summary page. Here you can view all available information on the customer, edit their details, view and add comments and access Customer Outstanding Report.
Fields from all the customer forms created for your enterprise will be visible here.
Add Customer Comments
On the Customers Summary page, tap on the Comments tab to view previous comments and their attachments. To add a new comment, tap on the Add Comment button.
This will open a dialog where you can enter the comment description (upto 500 characters), and add upto 5 attachment files.
Once done, tap on the Save Comment button to publish your comment to the Customer Summary.
Create a New Customer
To create a new customer manually, follow these steps:
On the Customers page, tap on the Add Customer button. In the dropdown that appears, select the New Customer option.
This will open the New Customer Form. Here you can add all customer related information. Required fields that are mandatory to save the new customer are marked with an * (asterisk). Make sure you fill these fields.
This form will include fields from all the customer forms created for your enterprise.
Once you have added all the required information, the Save Customer button will become active. Tap on it to add the new customer to the database. Additionally, you can press the Discard button to reset all the information you’ve entered.
Once saved, you will be redirected to the Customers page, and you will be able to see the last created customer on top of the list.
Bulk Create multiple New Customers
To create new customers in bulk, follow these steps:
On the Customers page, tap on the Add Customer button. In the dropdown that appears, select the Bulk Import option.
This will open the Import Customers dialog. Tap on the Download Sample file button to download a sample import template in CSV format.
If you have already created a file to import from the template, you may skip to Step 5.
Open the template in a spreadsheet application.
Row 1 shows the field headers indicating what information a field holds.
Row 2 indicates which fields are optional or mandatory.
Row 3 holds sample data for the fields.
This file will include fields (as columns) from all the customer forms created for your enterprise, at time of downloading the template file.
Fill in the required customer details in the import template, remove Row 2 and Row 3 before you save the file as these rows are for your reference only. Once done, Save the template as CSV.
In the Import Customers dialog, tap on the Browse button to locate and upload the saved template.
Once the file has been uploaded, tap on the enabled Add Customers to add them to database.
You can follow the same process to bulk update existing customer information. Just ensure the entered phone number or email matches the existing customer details.
If there are any errors in the uploaded template, you will be shown a list of all issues as shown below. To download all the issues in a CSV file, tap on Download Issues button. Tap on the Dismiss button to hide the dialog.
Once you open the downloaded file, the errors will be highlighted in the relevant columns. Make the necessary corrections, save the CSV file and re-upload the new file to add remaining customers.