Manage Customer Groups in Customer Service
Customer Service allows you to create Customer Groups, that help you categorize and manage customers based on specific criteria—enhancing targeted marketing and engagement strategies.
In Customer Service, two system-generated Customer Groups are created by default and cannot be removed.
All new customers will automatically be tagged to this group.
This group includes a dummy customer, that can be tagged in Zwing POS when customers refuse to provide their information.
View & Manage Customer Groups
From the sidebar menu go to Customer Management → Customer Groups to open the Customer Groups page. Here you can view all customer groups, and create new groups.
Tap on any group to open the Customer Group Details page. Here you can view all group related information and a list of all customers added to the group. You can tap on the Group Options button to access the following actions:
Edit Group
Add Existing Customers
Bulk Import
Bulk Remove
Delete Group
Create New Customer Group
You can create a new customer group by following these steps:
On the Customer Groups page, tap on the New Customer Group button.
This will open the Create Customer Group form where you can add a name and description of the group. You can also configure additional settings that restrict purchases or allow on-account sale and manual discounts for all customers tagged to this group.
Once you have added all the required information, the Save Group button will become active. Tap on it to create the new group. Additionally, you can press the Discard button to reset all the information you’ve entered.
Once saved, you will be redirected to the Customer Group Details page.
Edit Customer Group
Follow these steps to modify the details and settings of a customer group:
On the Customer Group Details page, tap on the Group Options button. In the dropdown that appears, select the Edit Group option.
The Edit Customer Group page will open, where you can update the Name, Description and Group Settings of the selected Group. Once done, tap on the Save Changes button.
Once saved, you will be redirected back to the Customers Group Details page.
Add Existing Customers to Group
Follow these steps to add existing customers to a specific group:
On the Customer Group Details page, tap on the Group Options button. In the dropdown that appears, select the Add Existing Customers option.
In the page that opens, you can select the customers that you wish to add to the selected group using the checkbox in the first column of their rows.
You can search for specific customers, or apply filters to narrow down the available list. You can also quickly select multiple customers by tapping the first column in the header row to access these two options:
This Page: Selects all customers visible on the current page.
All Pages: Selects all customers across every page in the list.
Once you have selected the required customers, tap on the enabled Add to Group button to update the customers with the new group.
Note: If a selected customer is already tagged to a group, the current group will replace the previous one once you tap on the Add to Group button.
Once saved, you will be redirected to the Customer Group Details page, where you can now see the new customers added to the group.
Bulk Add multiple Customers to Group
Follow these steps to import multiple customers into the group at once:
On the Customer Group Details page, tap on the Group Options button. In the dropdown that appears, select the Bulk Import option.
This will open the Import Customers dialog. Tap on the Download Sample file button to download a sample import template in CSV format.
If you have already created a file to import from the template, you may skip to Step 5.
Open the template in a spreadsheet application.
Row 1 shows the field headers indicating what information a field holds.
Row 2 indicates which fields are optional or mandatory.
Row 3 holds sample data for the fields.
Fill in the required customer details in the import template, remove Row 2 and Row 3 before you save the file as these rows are for your reference only. Once done, Save the template as CSV.
In the Import Customers dialog, tap on the Browse button to locate and upload the saved template.
Once the file has been uploaded, tap on the enabled Add Customers to add them to the Group.
If there are any errors in the uploaded template, you will be shown a list of all issues. You can download a file with just the issues. On opening the downloaded file, the errors will be highlighted in the relevant columns. Make the necessary corrections, save the CSV file and re-upload the new file to add remaining customers to the group.
You can not only create new customers for this group, but also add existing customers to the same group. Just ensure the entered phone number or email matches the existing customer details.
Bulk Remove multiple Customers from Group
Follow these steps to remove customers from a customer group in bulk:
On the Customer Group Details page, tap on the Group Options button. In the dropdown that appears, select the Bulk Remove option.
In the page that opens, you can select the customers that you wish to remove from the selected group using the checkbox in the first column of their rows.
Once you have selected the required customers, tap on the enabled Remove button to remove the customers from the current group.
Once saved, you will be redirected to the Customer Group Details page.
Note: Any customer removed from a group is automatically assigned to the Default group.
Delete Customer Group
Follow these steps to remove a customer group created by you:
On the Customer Group Details page, tap on the Group Options button. In the dropdown that appears, select the Delete Group option.
You are not permitted to remove a customer group if there are customers still assigned to it. Follow the steps to Bulk Remove customers from the current group before deleting a group.
Once deleted, you will be redirected to the Customer Groups page.