Generate Goods Receipt Note (GRN) in Zwing

Generate Goods Receipt Note (GRN) in Zwing

Goods Receipt Note (GRN) is the process of recording and inwarding received inventory into the store, ensuring accurate stock updates and verification against orders.

In Zwing, you can generate a GRN against both advice and ad hoc entries.

Create GRN against Advice

You can inward inventory by generating a GRN against Advice.

  1. From the sidebar menu, go to Inventory → Goods Receipt to view all generated GRNs. To create a new GRN, click on +Create New.

  2. Select GRN against Advice to generate a GRN for Advice.

  1. Once you click on GRN against Advice, you will be redirected to a page where you can select the store for which you want to generate the GRN.

  1. Select the Advice, add a remark, and attach files if needed.


If your system is integrated with another system, the Advice for GRN can be pushed to Zwing through an API, allowing you to create a GRN.

  1. Once you select the Advice for GRN, the packets linked to the Advice will appear in the product section.

  2. You can scan the product by barcode, search by name, or import the received products against the Advice using a CSV file.


You can perform a partial GRN if permitted by store policies. However, you must receive a packet in one go; otherwise, the remaining quantity exist in packet will be considered short.

  1. You can view the batch or serial number of the products by clicking on Serial or Batch, depending on the product tracking method.

  1. You can add a new batch or serial by clicking on +Add Existing Batch/ +Add Existing Serials if it is not mentioned in the Advice but has been received.

  2. You can create new batches and serials for products that require batch and serial tracking. Click here to learn more.

Create Ad Hoc GRN

You can receive and inward inventory into the store using the ad hoc method.

  1. While creating a new GRN, you can select the Ad Hoc GRN option.

  1. Select the store, where you want to inward the inventory.

  1. Select the supplier from whom you are receiving the inventory, and add a remark or attachments if needed.

  2. You can scan the product barcode or search by name to add it to the product list.

  3. You can import products into the system using a CSV file.

  1. You can create new batches and serials for products that require batch and serial tracking. Click here to learn more.

Create New Batch / Serial in GRN

If your product follows Batch/Serial tracking and the received batch or serial is not listed in the Advice or does not already exist in the system, you can create a new batch or serial during the GRN process.

  1. When you select a Batch/Serial product, a sidecart will appear, giving you the option to +Create New Serial or +Create New Batch.

  1. Click on Create New Batch, enter the batch details, and save it.

  2. If your product follows serial tracking, after selecting the serial product, you will get the option to Create New Serial.

  1. Click on Create New Serial, enter the serial details, and save it.


Save GRN as Draft

You can save the GRN as a draft, which can be modified later.

  1. Click on Continue at the top right corner to proceed.

  1. Once you click Continue, you will be redirected to the Preview page, where you can review the GRN, save it as a draft, or make changes before finalizing it.

  1. Once you save the advice as a draft, it will be stored with the status marked as Draft.

  1. Click on the available options to discard, modify, or save the drafted advice and complete the process.


Once a GRN draft is deleted, it cannot be recovered. Ensure you review the draft carefully before deleting it, as this action is irreversible.

Save GRN to Complete GRN

Once you have reveived the inventory to the store, you can save the GRN and complete the process.

  1. On the Review GRN page, click Confirm & Publish to finalize and complete the GRN process.

  1. Your GRN will be saved, and you will be redirected to the GRN Summary page, where you can review the final details.

  1. You can print the GRN by clicking on Print GRN to generate a copy.


"Goods Receipt Note (GRN) has been successfully created and published. The inventory is now updated as per the received items."

Void GRN

If there’s any issue or mistake in GRN creation, you can void the saved GRN.

  1. Go to the GRN Summary page, click on the top-right corner options, and select Void GRN.

  1. Click on Void GRN, enter the reason, add remarks, and provide the void code.

  1. Confirm the voiding of the GRN by clicking Confirm Void, and the GRN will be voided automatically.

  2. The advice will remain in the GRN list with a Void status.

The GRN process ensures accurate inventory updates and seamless stock management. Verifying details before finalizing helps prevent discrepancies, ensuring transparency and efficiency in operations.


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