Salespersons in Console

Salespersons in Console

Zwing Console allows you to create salespersons to be assigned during billing to track sales performance and incentivise the sales team. You can create completely new salespersons, or assign salesperson capabilities to already existing users.

View & Manage Salespersons

From the sidebar menu go to Settings → Salesperson to open the Salesperson page. Here you can add new salespersons, and edit or delete existing salespersons.

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Create New Salesperson

Follow these steps to create a new salesperson that can be assigned during billing across all stores of an enterprise.

  1. From the Salesperson page, tap on the + New Salesperson button to open the new salesperson form.

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  1. Select the New Salesperson option under the ‘Create from’ parameter.

  2. Select the All Stores option under the ‘Allocate Store’ parameter.

  3. Enter the mandatory salesperson details, marked by an * (asterisk).

  4. Select the Active option in the Status dropdown. You can also set it as Inactive in case you wish to activate this salesperson in the future.

  5. Tap on the Save button to create the salesperson.

Create New Salesperson for specific Stores

You can also create a new salesperson that can be assigned during billing in a single store or specific selection of stores only.

  1. From the Salesperson page, tap on the + New Salesperson button.

  2. Select the New Salesperson option under the ‘Create from’ parameter.

  3. Select the Select Stores option under the ‘Allocate Store’ parameter.

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  1. Enter the mandatory salesperson details, marked by an * (asterisk).

  2. Select the Active option in the Status dropdown. You can also set it as Inactive in case you wish to activate this salesperson in the future.

  3. In the checklist that appears at the bottom of the page, select the stores that you wish to allocate for this salesperson.

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  1. Tap on the Save button to create the salesperson.

Create Salesperson from existing User

To allow an existing user to be assigned as a salesperson:

  1. From the Salesperson page, tap on the + New Salesperson button.

  2. Select the Existing Salesperson option under the ‘Create from’ parameter.

  3. From the Select User dropdown, select the user that you wish to assign as salesperson.

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Once user is selected, salesperson details will be auto-populated with the user’s information.
Store allocation will be inherited and the list of allocated stores will be displayed.

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  1. Tap on the Save button to create the salesperson.

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