Stock Adjustment in Zwing
Stock Adjustment in the inventory module enables users to manually update inventory levels in cases of damage, loss, excess stock, or necessary corrections.
In Zwing, you can efficiently manage inventory discrepancies by performing a Stock Adjustment, ensuring accurate stock records and seamless inventory control.
Stock Adjustment
To perfrom Stockpoint Transfer in Zwing, go to Inventory → Stock Adjustment. Here, you can view all the previously generated Stockpoint Transfers.
To create new stock point transfer, click on +New Adjustment.
Select the store for which you want to create the Stock Adjustment.
Select the Stockpoint where you want to perform the Stock Adjustment to update inventory levels accurately.
Add a description, provide remarks, and attach any necessary supporting documents to ensure clarity and record-keeping for the Stock Adjustment.
Once you have entered the header-level details, proceed with adding the products for which you want to perform the Stock Adjustment.
Make Adjustment for Normal Products
Once you have added the header level details to make Stock Adjustment, you can add the products for which you want to perform Stock Adjustment.
You can add products by scanning the barcode or searching by product name.
If the product has normal tracking, it will be added to the grid, where you can enter the quantity and other relevant details.
Select the Stock Adjustment method as Out for stock reduction or In for stock addition.
You can directly upload the products into the list by importing the csv into the system.
You can import a CSV file, a Plain Text file, or paste the Barcode directly.
Make Adjustment for Batch Product
You can add batch products by scanning the barcode or searching by product name.
Once you select the product, the available Batch Numbers will be listed. Choose the relevant batch(es) for the adjustment.
Enter the quantity to be adjusted for the selected batch number and choose the adjustment type: Out for Stock Out or In for Stock In.
Click Update to add the product to the adjustment list. To add another batch, click +Add Batch.
Make Adjustment for Serial Product
You can add Serial products by scanning the barcode or searching by product name.
Once you select the product, the available Serial Numbers will be listed. Choose the relevant serial(s) for the adjustment.
For serial-tracked products, Stock In is not allowed. You can only perform a Stock Out transaction in Stock Adjustment.
Your selected serial number will be in the list, you can add remark or attachement against the serial number as well.
Click on Update to add the serial of product to transfer.
Click Update to add the product to the adjustment list. To add another serial, click +Add Serial.
Save Stock Adjustment as Draft
Once you have added the header details and selected the products for adjustment, click Continue to proceed.
Click Continue to proceed with saving the Stock Adjustment.
After clicking Continue, you will be redirected to the Preview page, where you can review the Stock Adjustment, save it as a draft, or make changes before finalizing.
Click Save as Draft to save the Stock Adjustment as a draft for future modifications.
Your Adjustmnet will be saved as a draft, and its status will be marked as Draft.
Click on the available options to discard, modify, or save the drafted Stock Adjustment and complete the process.
Once a Stock Adjustment draft is deleted, it cannot be recovered. Ensure you review the draft carefully before deleting it, as this action is irreversible.
Save Stock Adjustment
Once you have reveived the Stock Adjustmnet details, you can save the Stock Adjustment and complete the process.
On the Review Adjustment page, click Confim & Publish to finalize and complete the Stock Adjusment process.
Your Stock Adjcustment will be saved, and you will be redirected to the Summary page, where you can review the final details.
Your Stock Adjustment has been successfully generated, and the stock has been updated in the inventory.
You can print the Stock Adjustment by clicking on Print Adjustment to generate a copy.
Success! Your Stock Adjustment has been successfully completed, and the inventory has been updated accordingly.