What are mailbox settings?

What are mailbox settings?

Mailbox settings are applicable to notifiers. Under ‘Standard Settings’ the choices will be applied to all channel’s mailbox settings. If you would like to have channel-specific settings then select the channel and choose your settings. Please note that if any field is left blank in the channel-specific settings then the preference selected in ‘Standard Settings’ will be applied.



Mailbox settings allow you to define four key areas of mailing

a. From/Reply-to address

b. From name

c. Copy all emails to (Here you need to specify and email ID on which you would like for all emails to be received and copied)

d. Mail Signature

SMS Notifiers

SMS notifiers are enabled on Browntape. Notifier section has also been given a new and improved structure. You will be able to configure different notifiers from there and see the templates as well.

To enable the SMS notifiers please refer to the below steps:

  1. Login to Browntape.

  1. Click on Notifiers

  1. Click on SMS Notifiers


  1. Toggle the button to Activate/Deactivate the SMS notifiers.

The SMS notifier templates are not editable, You can hover you cursor over See SMS Template to view the template.

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