

SNEntry ModeConfig typeDOCISSUED syncing to EMGReason for not syncing
1Non-IntegratedNumber scheme type = "Manual" AND ERP generated numbering = "Yes" in channel masterYesNA
2Non-IntegratedNumber scheme type = "Manual" AND ERP generated numbering = "No" in channel masterNoAs we are not generating the number, we will not be able to provide minimum and maximum with count of actual and void.
The client will have to gather the data from respective marketplace/oms/channel and put the data manually in EMG.
3Non-IntegratedNumber scheme type = "Auto"YesNA
4Integrated (Browntape OMS or OMS using new API)ERP generated numbering = "Yes" in channel masterYesNA
5Integrated (Browntape OMS or OMS using new API)ERP generated numbering = "No" in channel masterNo

As we are not generating the number, we will not be able to provide minimum and maximum with count of actual and void.
The client will have to gather the data from respective marketplace/oms/channel and put the data manually in EMG.

6Integrated (old API)NANoAs we are not generating the number, we will not be able to provide minimum and maximum with count of actual and void.
The client will have to gather the data from respective marketplace/oms/channel and put the data manually in EMG.

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