Remove Products using RFID while Billing in Zwing WebPOS
Products added using RFID can be easily removed the same way when using barcode scanning or catalog, but when Anti-theft Mode is active, billing across all modes can only be done using RFID Scan. Which means any products added by scanning their RFID tags for Billing, Return or Exchange modes, can only be removed by scanning the RFID of same product again.
You can easily remove a product from the cart in Anti-theft Mode by following these steps:
From the Cart screen, tap on the Scan RFID button.
The RFID Scan Session dialog will appear, here you can select the Remove Items toggle option just below the heading.
You can also access the same by tapping on the X (Remove Icon) button next to the product in the cart product list.
The usual confirmation message will pop up to confirm the product removal. But instead of the Confirm button, you will now see the Open RFID button.
Tap on it to open the RFID Scan Session dialog.
You can now start scanning RFID tags of the products that you wish to remove from the cart. They will will automatically appear under the Preview Items section on the right.
In case there are multiple batches, serials or prices of a scanned product in cart, you will have to select which one to remove. In case there is a single instance, the previous selection will be be auto-selected.
Once satisfied with your selection, tap on the Remove All to Cart button to remove the scanned products from the cart at once.
You have successfully removed products using RFID scanning.
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