Generate E-Invoice in WebPOS

Generate E-Invoice in WebPOS

E-invoice is a system in which B2B invoices are authenticated electronically by GSTN for further use on the Govt GST portal.

Zwing portal offers the functionality to generate E-invoice in WebPOS.

Generate E-Invoice during Checkout

To generate the E - Invoice, you need to select the customer/receiver’s GST as E-Invoice is only applicable for B2B purpose.

  1. Search customer from the customer list.

  2. Click on Tax Invoice button.

  1. Clicking on Tax Invoice button will validate the mandatory fields required for E-invoicing. If the customer details required for E-invoicing are not available, the system will throw below mentioned error.

    1. If fields required for E-invoicing are present in customer form but customer details are not there.

"Please add required customer details to generate Tax Invoice."


b. If fields required for E-invoicing are not available in customer form.

"Fields required to generate Tax Invoice are not present in the Customer Form. Please add these from Customer Service: [missing fields]."

  1. Below are the mandatory fields required for E-invoicing.

    1. First Name

    2. Phone Number

    3. Address Line

    4. Pin code

    5. City

    6. State

    7. Country

  2. Once the mandatory fields are updated, you will see the GSTIN list of the GSTINs already added for the customer. Also, user will have option to add new GSTIN for the customer.

  1. When selecting the GSTIN, the user can only select or add the GSTIN corresponding to the state of the customer. If the user tries to select or Add a new GSTIN from a different state, the system will display the following error message:

"GST State must match Customer State to generate Tax Invoice. Please select another GSTIN, or update customer information."

  1. Select the GST account to create invoice.

  2. Confirm the selected GSTIN, or you can add a new GSTIN or edit the old one.


Once you've confirmed the GST and properly tagged the consumer, you can create the E-invoice. Follow the following step and pay the bill at checkout. Once you have paid the bill amount, the system will generate the E-Invoice itself.

  1. Once E-Invoice get generated, you can view or download the E-Invoice.


Congratulations! you've created the E-Invoice successfully, Now you can view and download the E - Invoice to your local System as well.



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