Collect Payments using EDC Devices in WebPOS
Zwing POS enables seamless payment collection with payment devices powered by our trusted payment partners. With just a few taps, you can initiate payment directly from WebPOS and complete the payment process using your preferred partner’s EDC device, ensuring a smooth and efficient checkout experience.
Zwing currently supports mSwipe, Paytm and Pine Labs payment devices.
You need to setup an integrated mode of payment (MOP) in Zwing Console for the payment partner before you can use their devices for billing in WebPOS. Click here to learn how to create one.
Collect Payment using Payment Partner EDC Device
Once you have configured the integrated MOP, it will appear under the Integrated Payment Methods section on the Checkout page.
Tap on the required integrated MOP to initiate the transaction. If partial payment is needed, do not forget to enable the Split Payment toggle option.
A timer will appear on your screen, indicating the time remaining for the payment request to expire. Now you can proceed to complete the payment on the partner device.
After initiating the payment, make sure you do not refresh or navigate away from the current page. Doing so will result in payment failure.
Upon completing the payment on the device you will be automatically redirected to Payment Success page, or to the Checkout page in case of split payment. If you are not redirected automatically, tap on the Get Status button to re-check manually.
You have successfully collected payment using a payment device!
You can use integrated MOPs for Customer Pay Balance, Ad-hoc Credit Note Issue, Gift Voucher Sale, as well as Exchange billing. Follow the same steps to complete the payment.
Cancel Payment
You can abort an initiated payment on WebPOS by simply tapping on the Cancel Transaction button on the timer popup. You can also cancel the transaction from the payment device, and the status will automatically be updated in WebPOS.
In case the status does not update automatically, tap on the Get Status button to re-check manually. Note that if the payment has already completed processing on the payment device, you will not be able to cancel the transaction.
For Paytm devices you can cancel the transaction through the EDC device only.
Payment Request Timeout
If you have initiated a payment request but did not receive a status update (either failure or success) and the payment request timed out, you have the option to either retry or cancel the payment request.
Once the timer runs out, a popup will appear. Tap on the Retry button to re-initiate the payment request, or tap on Cancel Transaction button to cancel this transaction and choose another method.