Apply Item Manual Discount in WebPOS

Apply Item Manual Discount in WebPOS

Manual Discount can be applied on a product in cart using pre-defined discounts created in Zwing Console, or using a custom discount value by amount or percentage.

Item Manual Discount popup

To access the Item Manual Discount popup:

  1. Tap on a product’s name in cart to open the Product details popup.

  1. Then tap on the Item Manual Discount input to open the popup.

Apply predefined Item Manual Discount from List

You can apply a predefined Manual Discount created in Zwing Console for faster billing.

To apply the discount:

  1. Ensure Select from List tab is selected in the Item Manual Discount popup.

  2. Select the required discount from the list.

You need to create predefined Item-level Manual Discounts in Zwing Console for them to appear in the list on WebPOS.

  1. Tap on the Apply Discount button.

  2. The applied Manual Discount will be visible in the Product details popup. Close the popup to resume billing.

Apply Custom Item Manual Discount

You can apply a Custom Manual Discount on the product by amount or percentage, the limits for which are defined by Policies on Zwing Console.

To apply the discount:

  1. Select the Custom Discount tab in the Item Manual Discount popup.

  2. Select Amount or Percentage under Discount type.

  3. Enter the required amount or percentage under Discount Value, based on your previous selection.

  4. Tap on the Apply Discount button.

  5. The applied Manual Discount will be visible in the Product details popup. Close the popup to resume billing.

Remove Item Manual Discount

To remove previously applied item-level manual discount from a product:

  1. Tap on a product’s name in cart to open the Product details popup.

  2. Tap the X icon next to the applied discount’s name to remove the Manual Discount.

  3. Close the popup to resume billing.

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