Collect Payment in WebPOS

Collect Payment in WebPOS

Collecting Payment in WebPOS is final step to make a sale, in this process you have to collect the calculated amount of bill. Zwing POS offers multiple modes of payments. By selecting the preferred mode of payment, you can complete the payment process. Zwing POS also offers the option of split payment.

Collect Payment on Checkout

Zwing POS offer multiple modes of payment, select your preferred mode to complete the payment.

Collect Payment by Cash

Select the payment Option as cash to collect the payment.

  1. Click on Cash, to collect payment by Cash.

  1. Add amount and system will reflect the Balance Amount to Refund.

  1. Click on Continue, you have collected the payment successfully.

Collect Payment by UPI

Select Payment option as UPI to collect the payment.

  • Click on UPI, to collect payment.

  • Add Transaction Reference ID.

  • By clicking Continue, you have collected payment successfully.

Collect Split Payment in WebPOS

Zwing POS offers the functionality to collect split payment where you can divide the customer total and can collect separately.

  1. Enable the Split Payment option from top bar.

  1. As you enabled the Split Payment option, Payable Amount will get active.

  2. Enter the amount and select the preferred Mode of Payment.

  3. Complete the Payment, the added amount get paid and rest of amount will be pending to pay.

To Complete the Payment, need to collect the pending amount.

  1. Select the preferred Mode of Payment and complete the payment.

As the Total amount get collected, the Payment get collected successfully. You can print or share the invoice accordingly.


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