Apply Coupon Discount in WebPOS

Apply Coupon Discount in WebPOS

Offer savings at Checkout with Zwing’s Coupon-based discount feature in Zwing WebPOS. Easily apply exclusive coupons to your customer's bill, providing instant discounts and fostering a rewarding shopping experience.

Apply Coupon Discount during Checkout

Check if the correct customer has been tagged to the current bill. Once ensured, follow these steps to apply coupon discount:

  1. On the Checkout page, tap on Coupon button in the bottom left corner of the page.

  1. A Coupon redemption pop-up will appear.

  2. Click on Apply Coupon Code to select or enter the coupon code manually.

  1. The name of the coupon and the available discount will be displayed.

  2. To redeem the applicable discount, click Verify.

You have availed the coupon discount. The coupon discount summery will be visible in bill summery.

Remove Coupon Discount during Checkout

To remove applied loyalty discount, simply tap on the icon next to the applied Coupon entry on the bottom right of the Checkout page.


You have removed the applied coupon and coupon button will be enable again to apply another coupon.



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