Release notes 12.16.0

Release notes 12.16.0


Please note that the corresponding POS Release Note version 2.16.0 

Features & Enhancements


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Enhancement in Replenishment Source management


POS Management - Setup - Manage - Site

Sales& Distribution - Retail - Retail Store Masters (Zwing) - Cloud MPOS Site

Enhancement Summary:

  1. Replenishment Source tagging is separated from POS site master

    1. Current Working: When a user creates a POS/Managed site he need to mandatorily tag the replenishment sources in the site master for successful creation of the site.

    2. Proposed change: We have separated the Replenishment source tagging window from the POS site master and have introduced a new access control under both (POS site and Cloud MPOS Site) menu to manage the replenishment source tagging. User would still be able to view the replenishment sources from the existing site master tab, but will not be able to modify from here.

    3. Transition handling: All existing users who currently had right to add or modify the POS site, would be given the access right to manage the replenishment source. In case entity specifically wants to restrict the user, kindly mange it from role access after the update.

  2. User can select the Default HO/Owner site for POS Order fulfilment

    1. Current Working: Currently we do not have any option in the replenishment sites to mark it as a Default site for fulfilling POS Orders. System itself picks the site based on internal logic.

    2. Proposed Change: We have introduced a new checkbox in the replenishment site window “Default site for POS Order“. From where user can specifically mark the site as a default replenishment source for POS Order fulfilment.

    3. Transition handling: After the update system will continue to pick the owner/HO site as a replenishment source for POS Order fulfilment based on the internal logic. But once the checkbox is marked in the replenishment source, system will start considering this site as a replenishment source for POS Order fulfilment.

Applicability in Zwing Stores

Note : Marking of Default site for POS order is required if the entity wants to push the POS Order from Zwing stores. We have made the necessary changes in internal API to cater the same.




Dev ID

Issue Tracker



Dev ID

Issue Tracker



There is no available cancellable quantity for the reservation. Cannot modify. - Error message is shown when going to Cancel a Stock Reservation


Inventory - WMS - Transactions - Stock Reservation >Actions >Cancel

Reported Version

12.15.12            280623

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