Release Note 12.17.0

Release Note 12.17.0


Find the compatible Ginesys POS Release Note - Release Note 2.17.0

Alert - Secondary Backup for Live Sync users

Live Sync users can only select a local storage area as your secondary backup location.

Features & Enhancements


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A new scheduler has been set up for the ERP and POS systems to clear out old database records and log files related to Sync to improve performance


HO Auto Updater,
POS Auto Updater,
HO First Site Migration to Live Sync and
Import JSON at POS(Pending)

Enhancement Summary:

Ginesys has set up a new task scheduler for the POS and ERP systems to clear out old database records and log files of sync data based on settings fixed in the code.

For the POS system, it begins 15 minutes after the system starts up. Its job is to delete log files that are more than 14 days old and database entries that are older than 30 days (Only 30) of sync data. This deletion process lasts for 10 minutes. It removes 25 files at a time, then checks if 10 minutes have passed. If so, it stops. To delete all old database data for the first time after the version update, a patch script will be used. 

The process is similar for the ERP system, but it starts at 8:00 PM every day. It also deletes log files older than 14 days and database entries over 30 days old (Only 30). The deletion process for ERP lasts for 30 minutes, removing 25 files at a time. It then checks if 30 minutes have passed. If so, it stops. The same type of patch script is used for initial database cleanup. 




New POS Installer has been released


POS Installer

Enhancement Summary:

New POS Installer has been created where an user can automatically install the POS software easily and accurately.

The above picture shows you how to use the new Ginesys POS Installer.




2 new tiles added and one tile renamed in the ERP Dashboard based on POS Session Error


ERP Dashboard

Enhancement Summary:

3 new tiles added the ERP Dashboard based on POS Session Error to show the following details - 

  • Receive Agent Not Running   

  • Preparing for Activation   

  • Activation Pending

To know more, click Live Sync 2.0 ERP Dashboard Guide




A new master policy for POS Backup threshold has been introduced for Live Sync users


POS Management - Setup - Manage - Master Policy

Enhancement Summary:

Earlier the interval between full POS backup was taken from the no. of days stated in System Settings > Full Backup Threshold. The policy doesn't require any modifications. If there's a need to compel a backup at the start of each day, the policy value should be set to 0. A value of 1 will indicate that users are permitted to skip the backup for one day. If a backup was performed on the 5th day, then the system will prevent user login at the start of the 7th day. However, logging in on the 6th day will be possible as the backup policy is set to 1 which allow a one-day break.




New site can now be created with Live Sync option directly in the ERP POS Management >Site Master along with New Ginesys POS Setup to choose to create a site with WebDB or Live Sync


POS Management - - Setup - Manage - Master Policy

POS Setup

Enhancement Summary:

New site can now be created with Live Sync option directly in the ERP POS Management >Site Master along with New Ginesys POS Setup to choose to create a site with WebDB or Live Sync. Click on following link to know more - GINESYS POS SETUP (Ginesys POS version 2.17.0 onwards)   




GDS Site inventory web-hook performance has been made very fast



Enhancement Summary:

GDS Site inventory web-hook performance has been made very fast




Modification of JSON Generation Feature and Location Configuration


Configure Live Sync

Enhancement Summary:

Previously, users were required to generate a JSON file after each migration(One Store or more at one selection) process. This is no longer the case. We have moved the 'Generate JSON' option from the Migration window in HO to the 'Action Menu' under 'POS API Config'. Now, a single JSON file will work for all sites, present and future, unless and until there are changes made to the 'POS API Config Live Sync' category URL or date-related changes. If any changes are made to these, then a new JSON file will need to be generated. Otherwise, the same JSON file can be used for all stores.



New Configuration LiveSync 2
New Configuration LiveSync 2



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