Release Note 12.17.3
Compatible POS Release Note - Release Note 2.17.2
Dev ID | Description | |
1 | 33363 | Importing of report formats for printing POS reports has been relocated from the Ginesys Launchpad to Ginesys WebModule: POS Management - Utilities - Configure - Report Layout Importer Earlier the Report Layout Importer was in Ginesys Launchpad and has now been moved to POS Management > Utilities. To know more please read - How To: Import report format (.rpt) file for printing POS Reports
2 | 33584 | Now, in Ginesys, the same TDS Exception certificate number is accepted for all the related vendorsModule: Procurement - Setup - Vendor Earlier different certificate numbers had to be maintained on record in the system for the same vendor serving different sites. Now, the same certificate number can now be applied to vendors in the above cases. |
Dev ID | Description | |
1 | 33682 | While scanning item in edit mode it is showing negative Alert message in bundle.Module: Bundle |
2 | 33664 | Sender Client failed to take BackupModule: Live Sync |
3 | 33654 | Gatherer not retrying failed records automatically.Module: Live Sync |
4 | 33617 | Slowness observed when opening a Delivery Challan (DC) with a High Item Count (18k items)Module: Delivery Challan (Adhoc) |
5 | 33614 | While saving Job Receipt, the system is throwing an error - "Cannot Save record: Reason: column ambiguously defined"Module: Job Receipt |
6 | 33611 | RATE is not being updated through Production (Conversion) entry in the INVITEM table.Module: Production |
7 | 33600 | Unable to save the Opening Ledger entry after modification.Module: Ledger |
8 | 33596 | While changing Rate in the Purchase Invoice, the system is showing an Unresponsive behavior.Module: Purchase Invoice |
9 | 33594 | After modifying a Job Receipt, while saving the document, the system is throwing an error - "check constraint (VFPL.C_PRDJOBBOM_CONSUMEDQTY) violated"Module: Job Receipt |
10 | 33591 | System is getting slow while populating item through selecting Select Item GRC document.Module: Purchase Invoice |
11 | 33588 | Duplicate Priority has been found in a Price List Exception details.Module: Price List |
12 | 33579 | Sales Invoice Print Option is Not OpeningModule: Sales Invoice |
13 | 33576 | PAYTM Plugin error at server @CMS(Urgent)Module: Plugin manager |
14 | 33573 | While printing a report from DC Adhoc, the system is throwing an error - "Report file was not found at D:\GSL\GINESYS12\Shared\Reports."Module: Delivery Challan Adhoc |
15 | 33570 | While modifying a Job Receipt, the system is throwing an error - "Cannot Save record: Reason: not a GROUP BY expression"Module: Job Receipt |
16 | 33567 | Sales order is not getting opened. error: An Internal error occurred during your request.Module: Sales Order |
17 | 33564 | Purchase Term is showing blank in Service Debit Note.Module: Service Debit Note |
18 | 33705 | List of Sites Not Displayed During Release or Revert in SettlementModule : Settlement Authorization |
19 | 33555 | Goods Return saving multiple at the same timeModule: Goods Return Challan |
20 | 33711 | Unable to import data for DC Against OrderModule: Data import > DC Against Order |
21 | 33552 | While modifying any site in POS Management, it's getting error.Module: Site |
22 | 33549 | While saving the Take Away entry, the system is throwing an error - "Maximum number of expression in a list 1000"Module: Take Away |
23 | 33508 | While importing the items through CSV file in GRC, the system is throwing an error - "maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000"Module: Goods Receive Challan |
24 | 33505 | Service Invoice Adhoc - Wrong document no created in Auto TDSModule: Service Invoice Adhoc |
25 | 33438 | While releasing the GRT, the system is throwing an error - "Error executing records: Reason: An internal error occurred during your request!"Module: Goods Return Challan |
26 | 33350 | Job Order has been saved with incorrect Scheme_docno.Module: Job Order |
27 | 33347 | Discrepancy in the Job Order entry, where the Job Order quantity is showing more than the Lot quantity.Module: Job Order |
28 | 33344 | Inventory performing very slow.Module: Bundle |
29 | 33338 | System stuck in Sales Debit Note EntryModule: Sales debit note |
30 | 33329 | The system is not allowing Excess Receive Against Order through Import Barcode in GRC.Module: Goods Receive Challan |
31 | 33323 | Item Creation through Data Import IssueModule: Data import (CREATEITEM) |
32 | 33708 | Getting error while Import Price List - Exception DetailsModule: Data import - Price List - Exception Details |
33 | 33314 | While opening the Reference Site in the Sub Ledger Opening form, the system is not showing the tagged Unmanaged Site for the specified Customers.Module: Opening Sub Ledger |
34 | 33311 | While doing GRC getting errorModule: Good Receive Challan |
35 | 33305 | While generating the Job order, the system is throwing an error - "Cannot Save record: Reason: An internal error occurred during your request!"Module: Job Order |
36 | 33302 | Unable to Upload Purchase Order (PO)via Excel Import.Module: Data import |
37 | 33299 | While opening a particular plugin master 'Paytm' system is generating below error and opening the record where site allocation area is showing blank.Module: Plugin Manager |
38 | 33296 | Internal Error When Opening Users - "An Internal Error Occurred During Your Request"Module: Users |
39 | 33293 | Consumed Qty has been updated with more than Issued Qty in the PRDJOBBOM table.Module: Job Receipt |
40 | 33290 | New Site Creation Issue in ERPModule: Cloud MPOS Sites |
41 | 33287 | Last modified by not getting changed in "Roles" optionModule: Roles |
42 | 33284 | Error When Saving Plugin Manager in Edit Mode - "Cannot Save Record: Reason: Undefined"Module: Plugin Manager |
43 | 33281 | In the Summary panel of GRC, the Invoice Quantity is showing wrong.Module: Goods Receive Challan |
44 | 33278 | After scanning an item in the Manual Mode in DC, the item is not getting disappeared.Module: Delivery Challan Adhoc |
45 | 33275 | While clicking on the "Populate" button at set barcode in the GRC form getting errorModule: Good Receive Challan |
46 | 33272 | Unable to Delete Purchase InvoiceModule: Purchase Invoice |
47 | 33269 | Slowness in importing data for Finance: Document Adjustment (AR Voucher only)Module: Finance: Document Adjustment (AR Voucher only) |
48 | 33263 | Two different Sales Return has been generated against a same GRT.Module: Sales Return |
49 | 33257 | While releasing the Sales Return document, the system is throwing an error.Module: Sales Return |
50 | 33254 | AP Vouchers Created via Excel Import Not Showing in Document AdjustmentModule: AR/AP voucher |
51 | 33251 | While tried to save the AP voucher with the payment mode as 'Cheque', System restricts with error.Module: AP Voucher |
52 | 33248 | Unable to Modify a Saved AP VoucherModule: AP Vouchers |
53 | 33242 | While creating Service Invoice Adhoc, Site button is not working and window getting hanged.Module: Service invoice adhoc |
54 | 33239 | While generating a Job Receipt, the system is throwing an error - "value too large for column "KORA"."GLOBAL_SEARCH_IDS"."CHAR_ID3" (actual"Module: Job Receipt |
55 | 33230 | Filter is not working in the Sales Persons form.Module: Sales Person |
56 | 33227 | While creating Job order, the system is throwing error - "Working Plan not found pending for below items or Different Jobber is assigned for the first process in plan. XXXX"Module: Job Order |
57 | 33224 | The system should not throw any Doc Date and Doc No. related alert/ Validation if the Purchase Debit Note is released from the list page.Module: Purchase Debit Note |
58 | 33221 | Slowness and Error During Site-Wise Price Control Excel ImportModule: Data import (PRICE_CONTROL) |
59 | 33218 | System is taking time while saving a document in price control.Module: Price Control |
60 | 33215 | Error Encountered During Price Update at Extinction in Price ControlModule: Price Control |
61 | 33212 | While marking Extinct the records in Price Control, the system is throwing an error - "Unable to get a stable set of rows in the source tables"Module: Price Control |
62 | 33209 | While copying the Site information in the Price Control form, the system is throwing an error - "user requested cancel of current operation"Module: Price Control |
63 | 32754 | While releasing the Sales Return document, the system is throwing an error.Module: Sales Return |
64 | 32751 | After deleting a Service Invoice against a Service Order, the Status of the Order was not updated.Module: Service Order |
65 | 32748 | While saving a Job Receipt in the edit mode, the system is throwing an error - "Mismatch found in Completed Quantity"Module: Job Receipt |
66 | 32742 | While opening AP Voucher form, the system is throwing a blank error window.Module: AP Voucher |
67 | 32733 | While saving Sales Return, the system is throwing an error - "Some Invoice (s) are modified/return/deleted from another session"Module: Sales Return |
68 | 32726 | After generating Job Order Cancel, the Issue Stock Point is not showing in the Component window of the Job Order Cancel form.Module: Job Order Cancel |
69 | 32723 | After selecting the Service, the system is throwing an validation - "Site information is tagged for the service. Change in ledger will clear site details. Please confirm." in Service Invoice Adhoc form.Module: Service Invoice Adhoc |
70 | 32611 | Audit Trail Not Showing User Name for Voucher Audit Export ReportModule: Finance API |
71 | 32602 | Restored backup but unable to resume Live Sync, getting an errorModule: Live Sync |
72 | 32594 | While creating Job order, the system is throwing error - "Working Plan not found pending for below items or Different Jobber is assigned for the first process in plan. XXXX"Module: Job Order |
73 | 32552 | While selecting a document in the WIP transaction for deleting, the system is throwing an alert message - "No Document is selected."Module: WIP Material Transaction |
74 | 32546 | Error Occurs When Searching by Category 1 in Select Item - Internal Error ORA-20111Module: Sales / Transfer Order |
75 | 32327 | While searching Job Order No. in the Job Receipt, the system is no showing full Job Order qty.Module: Job Receipt |
76 | 32080 | FG Cost is not reflecting correct value for many FG item(s).Module: Job Receipt |
77 | 32077 | While importing BOM, the system is throwing a Processing error - "ORA-00001: unique constraint (DFPL.U_PRDBOMDET_BOM_SEQ_CI_PR_CODE) violated"Module: Data Import |
78 | 32072 | Update Description for Finance Sub-Ledger Opening Outstanding ImportModule: Data import (FINOPDOC) |
79 | 32069 | While clicking on the 'Site' button in the Service Invoice Adhoc form, the system is not throwing any responsive behavior.Module: Service Invoice Adhoc |
80 | 32067 | While generating Lot based - Non Standard Job Order by searching an item, the system is throwing an error - "Working plan not found pending for below items. Unable to populate these. XXXXX""Module: Job Order |
81 | 32064 | The charge factor amount is showing wrong in the GRC form.Module: Goods Receive Challan |
82 | 32058 | When attempting to open s such as Sales Invoice, an error is encountered stating "maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000". It happens while the user having more than 1000 allocated sites.Module: Sales Invoice |
83 | 32055 | While saving Sales Return, the system is throwing an error - "Some Invoice (s) are modified/return/deleted from another session"Module: Sales Return |
84 | 32051 | Error Occurs When Opening User Profile by Logging in as a Specific User - 'An Internal Error Occurred During Your Request'Module: User Profile |
85 | 32048 | Pending Service Amount is showing wrong while generating Service Invoice Against Order.Module: Service Invoice Against Order |
86 | 32042 | Error "Incorrect Syntax Near the Keyword 'left'" While Printing BarcodeModule: Barcode printing |
87 | 32039 | System is generating an error while attempt to revert POS Settlement from HOModule: POS Settlement at HO |
88 | 32031 | While creating batch-serial item through Ginesys import system generates an error as.. Cannot Save record: Reason: table or view does not existModule: Import |
89 | 32029 | The system should not throw any Doc Date and Doc No. related alert/ Validation if the Purchase Debit Note is released from the list page.Module: Purchase Debit Note |
90 | 32026 | While importing GRC Adhoc, the system is throwing a processing error - "Data inconsistency / Zero Rate Item."Module: Data Import - GRC Adhoc |
91 | 32023 | While tying to pass WIP Clearance entry, the system is taking too much time.
92 | 32018 | While applying sorting on the Barcode field in the drop-down list of Non-standard Component item in Working Plan form, a particular Barcode is not showing sorting wise.Module: Working Plan |
93 | 32012 | While authorizing the Job Order by saving the document, the system is throwing an error - "unique constraint (VFPL.U_PRDJOBBOM_JC_AI_LC_SEQ_CI) violated." |
94 | 32009 | While importing Price List - Exception for Non-batch items, the system is throwing a validation - "Batch/Serial no. required for the item. Please rectify and try again."Module: Data Import - Price List - Exception |
95 | 32005 | While importing an Item master for updating details for the item, the system is throwing a validation - "Inventory entry exist for this item. Modification of inventory tracking mode is not allowed."Module: Date Import - Create or Modify Item |
96 | 31999 | Error Occurs When Saving Sales Service Invoice - Transaction Rolled Back, Check Constraint Violation (BIZO.C_SALSRVMAIN_SDOCNO). |
97 | 31995 | Incorrect charge amount is showing in auto-generated Purchase Debit Note.Module: Debit Note |
98 | 31792 | While creating a Job Order against a Working Plan, the system is showing "No Data Found".Module: Job Order |
99 | 31786 | The system should not throw any Doc Date and Doc No. related alert/ Validation if the Purchase Return is released from the list page.Module: Purchase Return |
100 | 31763 | While searching an item by 'Select item' option, the system is showing 0 Stock quantity if the item contains negative stock.Module: DC Adhoc |
101 | 31760 | While saving a Service Invoice Adhoc, the system is throwing an error - "One or more service(s) are marked as invalid. Please revalidate before save."Module: Service Invoice Adhoc |
102 | 31757 | While cancelling a Job Order, the Cancel Quantity is not being updated in the PRDJOBBOM table.Module: Job Order Cancel |
103 | 31754 | While clicking on the Category2 column in the BOM, the system is throwing a pop-up message - "NAME."Module: Bills Of Materials |
104 | 31751 | The 'Save & Release' option in Purchase Debit Note is not working properly.Module: Purchase Debit Note |
105 | 31743 | Error Occurs While Calculating Salesperson Incentive: 'Cannot Save Record - Reason: Please Select Site'.Module: Calculate Incentive |
106 | 31694 | DC Adhoc through Excel import generating a mismatch of rates due to defined exception condition in the Price List is not working as expected.Module: DC Adhoc |
107 | 31421 | The system should not allow inputting any future date in LR Date with respect to the LR Entry date. "LR. Document Date cannot be greater than Entry Date."Module: Incoming LR |
108 | 31110 | Total Amounts Not Displayed in Grid Footer for Amount-Related Columns.Module: POS Settlement Authorization |
109 | 30932 | While saving a Job Receipt, the system is throwing an error - "Cannot Save record: Reason: Unable to save. Required quantity cannot be less than issued quantity."Module: Job Receipt |
110 | 30802 | AR Voucher import validation fails when multiple voucher date and instrument date is provided when voucher reference is not mapped.Module: Data Import - AR Voucher |
111 | 30787 | Error 'No Response from Server' while removing user-defined field from Ginesys HO application.Module: User Defined Fields |
112 | 30183 | While modifying quantity in Job Receipt, the system is throwing an error - "Cannot Save record: Reason: Unable to save. Required quantity cannot be less than issued quantity."Module: Job Receipt |
113 | 29383 | Data Sync Failed at HO end: The issue has been identified with the data synchronization process at the Point of Sale (POS) system. Although live sync is enabled and data is being received at the POS, there is a failure in syncing the data from the POS.Module: Data Sync |
114 | 29258 | Incorrect Sub-ledger Opening Balance Import Across Different OU and Owner Sites.Module: Sub-Ledger |
115 | 33716 | GRT details not updated properly in database, when changed from one GRC to another GRC of different vendorModule: Goods Return Challan |
116 | 33738 | While saving AR voucher from short cut key, multiple document are created from same user.Module: AR Voucher |
117 | 32656 | Auto Settlement in Pending State After Auto-Update - ORA-06575 Error: Package or function DB_PRO_AUTO_SETTLE_UNPOST is in an invalid state.Module: POS settlement |
118 | 32516 | Customer's closing point is not matching with the Customer's Loyalty Point Report at HO and point showing from POS end (POS UI)Module: Data Sync |
119 | 33558 | Return against Bill information is not properly synced after 12.14.3Module: POS Data Sync |