| | | |
1 | 532 | N.A. | 532 Price Type Standard Rate not getting updated while updating vendor master through Excel importModule: Admin - Utilities - Data Import > Supplier/Transporter/Agent/Jobber Import Reported Version: 12.1.0 Scenario: Go to Web> Admin > Data import > Import class > Supplier/Transporter/Jobber Browse the file. Select 'Next' to proceed. Go to pricetype column > make a selection from the drop down for 'stadard rate'. Observe that the standard rate is not updated. Even if correct name (Standard Rate) is provided in Excel, the value is still not updated. Note that even if other options in pricetype is selected, values are updated properly.
2 | 588 | N.A. | 588 An internal error occurred during your request! - Error message shown in Fulfilled by Seller when records are sorted based on Net AmountModule: Sales & Distribution - Retail sale - E-commerce - Fulfilled by Seller Reported Version: 12.1.0 Scenario: 1. Go to Retail sale > Fulfilled by seller 2. Try to sort the records by net amount 3. Observe that the following error message is shown - 'An internal error occurred during your request!' |
3 | 650 | N.A. | 650 Cannot save the record: Reason: Method arguments are not valid. See validation Errors for details - Error message shown in Retail Sale when saving Owned store sale with rate in decimal valueModule: Sales & Distribution - Retail Sale - Store - Owned Reported Version: 12.1.0 Scenario: Go to Sales & Distribution > Retail Sale > Store > Owned. Give values for all mandatory fields. Scan item with rate = ₹ 2.3 and quantity = 420 (all values provided are illustrative only) Provide discounted amount as ₹ 966. Now calculate tax. Try to Save & close. Observe that the following error is showing - "Cannot save the record: Reason: Method arguments are not valid .See validation Errors for details".
4 | 661 | N.A. | 661 HSN/SAC code is not printing while printing barcode labels through Ginesys Web (v12)Module: Inventory - Product Definition - Set up - Print barcode label Reported Version: 12.1.0 Scenario: Go to Inventory > Set up > Print barcode label. Enter a barcode Click print. Select printer and config file. Now give print. Observe that HSN code is not printing.
5 | 666 | N.A. | 666 No values are showing in the ledger or sub ledger dropdowns of any Finance module formsModule: Finance module Reported Version: 12.1.0 Scenario: 1. Go to Ginesys Web > Finance 2. Open any form of Finance. 3. Open any Sub Ledger/Ledger drop down. 4. Observe that no values are showing here. |
6 | 667 | N.A. | 667 Cannot Save record: Reason: Invalid Trade Group......- Error message shown when incorrect entry is generated in Fulfilled by Seller through Excel importModule: Admin - Utilities - Data Import > E-commerce - Fulfilled by Seller Sale Reported Version: 12.1.0 Scenario: Create a customer with no GST information. Now create a Fulfill by Seller entry with above customer and trade group as INTER STATE by through Excel import. After importing the entry, open from Sales & Distribution - Retail Sale , just click on calculate tax and try to save & close. Observe that the above error is shown.
7 | 669 | N.A. | 669 Set-off button is not working in Document Adjustment form in Finance moduleModule: Finance - Operations - Journals - Document Adjustment Reported Version: 12.1.0 Scenario: Go to Ginesys Web > Finance > Operations > Journals > Document Adjustment. Select Add button. Select a sub-ledger. Select Populate and click on Quick Set-off. Observe that on clicking on the set-off button, it's not working.
8 | 671 | N.A. | 671 Error: Cannot save record: Reason: When reference site is not consignment mode... - Error message showing while taking Reference Site type Unmanaged Customer Owned Site & Sub Ledger type Customer in all Finance formsModule: Finance module Reported Version: 12.1.0 Scenario: Go to Ginesys Web > Finance. Open any form and take Sub Ledger type Customer and take Reference Site type - Unmanaged Customer Owned Site. Provide other details and save. Observe that the above error message is showing while saving.
9 | 679 | N.A. | 679 Invalid document type defined. For MS-OO-CM site, only "Procurement: Purchase Return" is allowed - Error message being shown incorrectly when searching documents for E-Way bill generationModule: Admin - Utilities - Process - E-way Bill Generator Reported Version: 12.1.0 Scenario: Go to Admin> Utilities > Process > E-Way bill generator Select Owner site and document type. Observe that the incorrect error message is showing and further processing cannot be down.
10 | 100192 | N.A. | 100192 GST factor does not updated when user modifies item rate Module: Sales & Distribution - Operations - Invoicing - Sales Return Reported Version: 11.153.5 Scenario: Go to Sales & Distribution > Operations > Invoicing > Sale Return Set GST factor gets populated as defined in slab. Make an ad hoc basis return with both taxable (GST) and non taxable charges. Calculate the charge . Modify a item charge by which item rate gets reduced/ increased and GST slab also changes. Observe that GST factor is not updated when item rate is modified .
11 | 101906 | N.A. | 101906 Application is taking too long time to populate data when user selects option "verify physical stock entries" from verify/update wizardModule: Inventory - Operation - Stock Audit - Audit Plan Reported Version: 11.153.6 Scenario: Go to Inventory > Operation > Stock Audit > Audit Plan Observe that application is taking too long time to populate data when user selects option "verify physical stock entries" from verify/update wizard.
12 | 103812 | N.A. | 103812 Negative stock alert fired for on FIFO mode set item population when stock already existsModule: Sales and Distribution - Operations - Packing - Delivery Challan Against Order Reported Version: 11.153.8 Scenario: Go to Sales and Distribution > Operations > Packing > Delivery Challan Against Order Try to populate Set Item in FIFO mode with stock existing. Observe that the Negative Stock Alert is displayed incorrectly.
13 | 104274 | N.A. | 104274 Negative stock check not applied when item is populated through import barcode modeModule: Sales and Distribution - Operations - Packing - Delivery Challan Reported Version: 11.153.5 104925 Scenario: Go to Sales and Distribution > Operations > Packing > Delivery Challan Adhoc Try to populate Item through import barcode mode when stock does not exist. Observe that the Negative Stock Alert is not displayed when it should.
14 | 104323 | N.A. | 104323 Duplicate LR getting created Module: Inventory - Logistics - Incoming - LR Reported Version: 11.154.0 Scenario: Go to Inventory > Logistics > Incoming>LR Create a LR by combination of consignor, invoice date and year-code and save it. Again try to create a duplicate LR by using same combination. Observe that the duplicate record gets created and saved.
15 | 104396 | N.A. | 104396 Stock Entry is taking non-plan item from Import Barcode optionModule: Inventory - Operations - Stock Audit - Audit Entry Reported Version: 11.153.7 Scenario: Create a Group wise Plan. Activate the Plan. Open Stock Entry, Import barcode with a group item not included in the plan. Observe that the system is accepting non -plan item.
16 | 104447 | N.A. | 104447 Item against pending order is not showing in entry in Delivery Challan Against OrderModule: Sales and Distribution - Operations - Packing - Delivery Challan Against Order Reported Version: 11.153.10 Scenario: Go to <Ginesys Web > Sales and Distribution > Operations > Delivery Challan Against Order Create a DC Against Order by selecting a PO. Observe that the Items against pending order are not showing in entry.
17 | 104523 | N.A. | 104523 Auto Transit Delivery Challan (DC) does not show any item informationModule: Sales and Distribution - Operations - Packing - Delivery Challan Reported Version: 11.153.4 Scenario: Go to <Ginesys Web > Sales and Distribution > Operations > Delivery Challan Against Order> It was observed that the Items against pending order are not showing in entry.
18 | 104546 | N.A. | 104546 Sales order is not opened after updating the version 11.153.10.Module: Sales & Distribution - Operations - Order - Sales Order Reported Version: 11.153.10 Scenario: Login with a user who has access to the Sales Order. Observe that the form is not opening.
19 | 104557 | N.A. | 104557 Round off not calculated for header level chargeModule: Procurement - Operations - Invoicing - Purchase Invoice Reported Version: 11.153.10 Scenario: Go to Procurement > Operations > Invoicing > Purchase Invoice Create a PI with a header charge with a round-off function. Observe that the round-off is not applied on the charge.
20 | 104685 | N.A. | 104685 An internal error occurred - Error message is displayed when saving Job ReceiptModule: Production - Operations - Process - Job Receipt Reported Version: 12.1.0 Scenario: Go to Production > Operations >Process > Job Receipt Create a Job Receipt against a Job Order. Observe that on saving the following error message is displayed - "An internal error occurred"
21 | 104733 | N.A. | 104733 Book Quantity is not showing as per Site wise and Loccode wiseModule: Inventory - Operation - Stock Audit - Audit Plan - Update Stock Position Reported Version: 11.153.10 Scenario: Go to Inventory>Operation>Stock Audit> Audit Plan Create a Stock Audit plan Active plan (Loccode should be in multiple site. This is not normal scenario) Stock Entry and lock the plan. Verify and update the plan. Observe that the Book Quantity is not picking as per Site wise and Loccode wise
22 | 104848 | N.A. | 104848 In edit mode, Category is not displayed in LR and Double records are added automatically upon adding one record to incoming LR Module: Inventory - Logistics - Incoming - LR Reported Version: 12.1.0 Scenario: Login to Ginesys Web > Inventory > Logistics > Incoming > LR Create one LR with providing Category and rate in Item Details. Open the created LR. Observe in the Item Details that the Category is not showing. Again add one row with Division, Category1 and rate and save it Again open the updated LR. Observe that the category is not showing in the Item detail section. Also note the Double row is created automatically upon adding one new row in Item Details.
23 | 104882 | N.A. | 104882 Transporter(s) GSTIN State is different to that of the Consignor/ site(s) GSTIN State...... - Error message incorrectly displayed in incoming LRModule: Inventory - Logistics - Incoming - LR Reported Version: 12.1.0 Scenario: Go to Inventory > Logistics > Incoming > LR Fill all the mandatory fields Select the Consigner whose GST State= GST State of Transporter but GST Identification No. should be different > To Pay=Yes > Save the LR. Observe that the above error message is displayed.
24 | 104888 | N.A. | 104888 Calculate Charge button is not working in Sales InvoiceModule: Sales & Distribution - Operations - Invoicing - Sales Invoice Reported Version: 11.153.10 Scenario: Go to Sales & Distribution > Operations > Invoicing >Sales Invoice Create a Sales Invoice with at least one charge. Observed that user is not able to calculate charge on clicking calculate charge button.
25 | 104897 | N.A. | 104897 Item is not populating in the main grid after creation from GRCModule: Procurement - Operations - Goods In/Out - Receipts Reported Version: 12.1.0 Scenario: Go to Procurement > Operations > Goods In/Out > Receipts Create a GRC with a new item created on adhoc basis. Observe that the item is not populating in the main grid.
26 | 104900 | N.A. | 104900 Gate Entry is not populated although consignor is Gate Entry applicableModule: Inventory - Logistics - Incoming - LR Reported Version: 12.1.0 Scenario: Go to Ginesys Web > Inventory > Logistics > Incoming > LR Create a LR with Type = S&D: Sales Return/Transfer In and a Consignor which is Gate Entry applicable. Now select the Site. Observe that the Gate Entry becomes inapplicable although the consignor is still same.
27 | 104906 | N.A. | 104906 Delivery quantity can not be more than pending quantity - Error message is incorrectly and user is unable to populate items in grid of Delivery Challan Against Order in FIFO ModeModule: Sales & Distribution - Operations - Packing - Delivery Challan Against Order Reported Version: 12.1.0 Scenario: Go to Sales & Distribution > Operations > Packing> Delivery Challan Against Order Fill all the mandatory fields Select the FIFO mode and Search the item Put the Delivery quantity less than Pending quantity. Click on Populate button. Observe that the items are not populated in the main grid and the following error message is displayed - Delivery quantity can not be more than pending quantity.
28 | 104909 | N.A. | 104909 Consignee city is not populated in Station To field although Consignee selected has city definedModule: Inventory - Logistics - Outgoing - LR Reported Version: 12.1.0 Scenario: Go to Inventory > Logistics > Outgoing > LR Create an Outgoing LR with all mandatory fields Select Consignee with city defined. Observe that both the fields, Station From and Station To are displaying the same city name which is tagged with selected Owner Site and not displaying the Consignee's city.
29 | 104934 | N.A. | 104934 Incorrect IGST reflected in Sales ReturnModule: Sales & Distribution - Operations - Invoicing - Sales Return Reported Version: 11.153.5 Scenario: Go to Sales & Distribution > Operations > Invoicing > Sales Return. Create a Sales Return with Integrated GST (IGST). Observe that the applied Integrated GST (IGST) charge is incorrect.
30 | 104943 | N.A. | 104943 Quantity is not populated in item information grid if Job Type is Plan based Non-StandardModule: Production - Operations - Process - Job Order Reported Version: 12.1.0 Scenario: Go to Production> Operations > Process >Job Order Fill all the mandatory fields. Select Job Type as Plan based Non-Standard. Click on Select Item button. Search for the working plan. Populate the items in grid. Observe that the Quantity column is not populated.
31 | 104955 | N.A. | 104955 Charge Ledger / Subledger not tagged with connected site - Incorrect error message being shown when importing Sales Order/Transfer Order for unmanaged siteModule: Admin - Utilities - Data Import - Sales/Transfer Order Reported Version: 12.1.0 Scenario: Go to Data Import - Sales/Transfer Order. Import for unmanaged site. Invalid validation message is showing. Please check attached image for reference.
32 | 104971 | N.A. | 104971 Cannot Save record: Reason: Plan Quantity cannot be less than Order Quantity - Incorrect error message is displayed while item quantity is updated in Working PlanModule: Production - Operation - Planning - Working plan Reported Version: 12.1.0 Scenario: Go to Production > Operation > Planning > Working plan. Create a working plan of some item quantity Create a job order against the same working plan of same item quantity Save it. Open the same job order and cancel the same job order Open the same working plan and try to update the quantity from 7 to 10. Observe that the above error message is displayed.
33 | 104984 | N.A. | 104984 Display Stock checkbox in Select Item is not showing stock for GRC and Purchase Order Module: Procurement - Operations - Goods In/Out - Receipts Procurement - Operations - Order - Purchase Order Reported Version: 12.1.0 Scenario: Go to Procurement > Operations > Goods In/Out > Receipts or Procurement > Operations > Order > Purchase Order. Select Stock point Open Select Item and tick the checkbox for displaying stock. Search any item which is having stock in the selected stock point. Observe that the stock is not showing.
34 | 105018 | N.A. | 105018 Stock Point Type lookup is showing Site as a typeModule: Inventory - Product Definition - Stock Point - Stock Point Master Reported Version: 11.153.10 Scenario: Go to Inventory> Product Definition>Stock Point> Stock Point Master Observe that Stock Point Type lookup is showing Site as a type.
35 | 105043 | N.A. | 105043 Cannot save record. Reason: error(s) in array DML - Error message displayed while creating GRC in Mixed modeModule: Procurement - Operations - Goods In/Out - GRC Reported Version: 12.1.0 Scenario: Create a PO with some items. Create a GRC- first scan an adhoc item and then select items from Purchase Order Calculate Charge. Observe that Effective Value column is showing wrong data Observe that error message is showing while saving the GRC.
36 | 105046 | N.A. | 105046 Item Qty. should be <= Pending qty. in PO - Error message is showing while importing Goods Receive (Against Purchase Order)Module: Admin - Utilities - Data Import >Goods Receive (Against Purchase Order) Reported Version: 12.1.0 Scenario: Create PO with some item Try to Import Excel- GRC against Order Observe that the following error is showing - "Item Qty. should be <= Pending qty. in PO"
37 | 105052 | N.A. | 105052 User is able to select Adhoc Items although "Allow Adhoc item selection in Receipts" is unchecked in user profileModule: Procurement - Operations - Goods In/Out - Receipts Reported Version: 12.1.0 Scenario: Go to Admin > Security > User Profile > Procurement Uncheck "Allow Adhoc item selection in Receipts" in User Profile for a particular user Save it and logout. Login to Ginesys Web > Procurement > Operations > Goods In/Out > Receipts as the previously mentioned user. Fill all the mandatory fields Try to add Adhoc items by Scan Items or Select Items. Observe that adhoc items are being selected in the GRC.
38 | 105056 | N.A. | 105056 Sales invoices are not getting filtered by Consignee name in Outgoing LRModule: Inventory - Logistics - Outgoing - LR Reported Version: 12.1.0 Scenario: Go to Inventory > Logistics > Outgoing > LR. Create an Outgoing LR. Fill all the mandatory fields. Select Type=S&D: Sales Invoice/Transfer Out. Click on Tag Transfer Document. Observe all the Sales invoices are populated instead of selected Consignee's Sales invoices.
39 | 105077 | N.A. | 105077 Selected Stock point data is not reflecting in print Barcode Label for GRCModule: Inventory - Product Definition - Barcode Label Reported Version: 12.1.0 Scenario: Go to Inventory > Production > Barcode Level. Select Item from Item Information. Select Document type as GRC. Select Stock point. Click on Search. Observe that the stock from the stock point is not reflecting.
40 | 105098 | N.A. | 105098 Item quantity is rounding off while printing barcode in GRCModule: Admin - Utilities - Process - E-way Bill Generator Reported Version: 12.1.0 Scenario: Open the GRC and scan the item. Keep the Item quantity in decimal value and save. Now open Print Barcode module. Observe that the item populates with upper rounding off from GRC value.
41 | 104937 | N.A. | 104937 Ledger is populating and removing repeatedly on pressing Backspace keyModule: Procurement - Operations - Service / Expenses - Service Invoice Adhoc Reported Version: 12.1.0 Scenario: Go to Procurement > Operations > Service / Expenses >Service Invoice Adhoc Create a Service Invoice Adhoc and ensure you have mentioned the ledger. Now remove the ledger using backspace. Observe that the value is repeatedly being removed and re-populated on pressing the backspace key.