Release Note 12.4.0

Release Note 12.4.0


Release Date

29 April 2021

HO Version


POS Version


Web Database Compatibility Version


Features & Enhancements


Bug Fixes



Features & Enhancements


Idea Tracker



Idea Tracker




POS OTP messages (SMS) can now be configured with Brand Name (or any other prefix)

There were some disruptions in the working of OTP related messages with the latest DLT implementation from TRAI with Brand Name necessary in the body of such SMS. To understand it better, first let's understand that there are two types of messages which can be sent from Ginesys POS:

  • Configurable messages on an event: Example - POS Bill Save SMS
    These message templates are completely configurable from Head-Office and so these SMS can have brand name configured in the message text you define.

  • OTP Messages: Example - Credit Note Redemption OTP
    These message templates are hardcoded and you are unable to configure such messages. So the Brand Name could not be included. As per the TRAI guidelines, Brand Name should be mentioned in the last of any transactional message text. For example:
    Current: "Dear Customer, your one time password for credit note redemption is <OTP>."
    Expected: "Dear Customer, your one time password for credit note redemption is <OTP>.Thanks BrandName"

How to map the Brand Name for OTP messages from POS?

Provide the suffix part (Thanks BrandName) in the new system policy called: OTP SMS suffix.

Module - Retail Management - Setup - Master Policy > System Settings
System will automatically add the exact suffix to the existing OTP messages while sending the SMS.



Manual Reference Details capturing for POS Payments

Dynamic QR code requirement was placed by the Government and according to the guidelines/FAQ, - for pre-paid invoices, if the payment for a transaction is made by any digital method, then cross-reference details must be present in the printed bill for the bill to become legally valid

There are two approaches via which the digital payments are processed, i.e., Integrated and Non-Integrated.

For integrated approach, the system automatically captures the reference details supplied by the third-party vendor and stores the same which can then be printed.

However, in case of non-integrated approach, there was no provision to capture the reference details. With this update, you shall be able to capture the reference details manually and get it printed.

Enhancement Summary:

  1. You can now enable the "Allow reference details capturing" in the Mode of Payment master. Note: Enabling this makes capturing of such details mandatory for the MOP.

  2. While processing payment using the same MOP, user will have to manually provide the reference details.

  3. In bill (POS, GV, Deposit) printout, the bill template can be configured to incorporate field "POSBillMOP.RefDetails" and the reference details to be printed.

Note: "Allow reference details capturing" option is available only for EDC (credit card) and non-denomination Voucher type MOP only since all other MOP are not used for EDC, UPI or any other digital payments.

Refer for more details: How To: Capture Reference Number at POS, for applicable MOP

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